Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 APU Catalog 
2022-2023 APU Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


MAR - Marine Biology

  • MAR 32500 - Ecological Physiology of Marine Organisms

    (4) An in-depth examination of the major physiological adaptations of marine organisms, including thermoregulation, respiration, circulation, water balance, acid-base balance, metabolism and energetics. Emphasis will be placed on how organisms are adapted to optimize physiological function under a variety of environmental conditions. Prerequisite:   or equivalent. Offered As Needed.
  • MAR 33000 - Human Impacts in Marine Systems

    (4) This course introduces the physical processes that drive marine productivity and the major human impacts on these systems (overfishing, climate change, invasive species, pollution, disturbance and coastal zone development) at local, regional, national and international scales. Students learn the current state of impacts through readings of the scientific literature and public policy documents, are updated on current mitigation, management, conservation and policy actions from local experts working in the field, and examine the challenges of balancing ecological impacts with economic impacts and conflicts among stakeholders and policymakers through the completion of an in-depth dilemma based case study. Prerequisite:   Offered: Fall.
  • MAR 33500 - Seabirds and Marine Mammals

    (4) Students in this course will learn the foundations of taxonomy, evolution, physiology, behavior, ecology and conservation of marine mammals. Mandatory Saturday field trip in April; course fee required. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in SC 25000 , or graduate standing. Offered: Spring (even years)
  • MAR 35000 - Applied Research

    (2) This course is intended to facilitate active learning and research across the curriculum in marine science. Admitted students will already be involved in ongoing marine research. Each student will work with faculty and student-colleagues to refine their research and communication skills. The course context is current trends in international and national marine science with a focus on North Pacific and Alaska marine systems. Emphasis will be placed on collaborative databases, the preparation of professional manuscripts, and interdisciplinary application of research results. Prerequisite:   Offered Fall and Spring.  

    (Topic course numbers range from MAR35001 to MAR 35099 in schedule)
    MAR 35001 Behavior & Ecology
    MAR 35002 Physiology
    MAR 35003 Fisheries
    MAR 35004 Marine Mammal Monitoring


  • MAR 38000 - Directed Study

    (1-4) Individual study in a given field under the guidance of a regular faculty member and by permission only. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MAR 38500 - Practicum

    (4) Practical work experience in a given area of concentration under the cooperative guidance of a faculty member and an on-the-job supervisor. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MAR 39200 - Special Topics

    (1-4) Special topics in various fields are offered as needed. Appropriate course descriptions are published as topics are developed. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MAR 41000 - Coral Reef Ecology

    (4) A field-oriented block course that examines the ecology of coral reefs and associated organisms, including reef building organisms, organisms that live on or in the reef, and coral reef ecosystems. Topics include coral taxonomy, reproduction, morphology and ecology, reef structure and zonation, coral identification, symbionts on coral reefs, and coral reef ecosystems. Students will spend substantial time in or on the water (snorkeling). No SCUBA certification required. Lab included. Lab fee required. Additional costs of travel to and within the tropics are required of the student. Prerequisites: SC 25000  and SC 33000 .
  • MAR 42000 - Coastal Ecosystems

    (4) Selected Topics: So. CA Bight, Gulf of AK, Bimini, Bahamas, Hawaii, Galapagos. A field-oriented block course that explores the physical and biological characteristics and processes of coastal ecosystems. Focus will be on understanding the influence of bathymetry, climate and currents on primary productivity and community composition and diversity. Landocean interfaces and human dimensions will also be examined, including marsh and estuari ne dynamics and coastal development, land use and conservation. May require international travel (passport, inoculations required) and exposure to harsh weather and rugged conditions. Travel costs are expected to range between $1000 and $2000. Prerequisites: SC 25000  and SC 33000  or equivalent.
  • MAR 44000 - Perspectives and Practice in Fisheries Science

    (4) A field-oriented block course designed to give students an in-depth understanding of the theories and practices employed in fisheries science and management. Emphasis is placed on US federal and Alaska State fisheries, but international perspectives and practices will also be considered. The course explores the fields of population biology, ecology, and sustainability as applied to fisheries science and management and is designed based on recommendations set forth in U.S. Dept. Commerce and U.S. Dept. Education 2008 NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-F/SPO-91. Fieldwork and travel course fee required.

      Prerequisite: MT 22000 MT 24000 SC 25000 , and SC 33000 . Offered Fall Block in alternating years with MAR32000 - Perspectives and Practice in Fish Biology

  • MAR 48000 - Directed Study

    (1-4) Individual study in a given field under the guidance of a regular faculty member and by permission only. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MAR 49000 - Seminar

    (4) Small groups which meet with faculty members for in-depth study and discussion of particular topics, for example Top-down Control of Marine Populations, Cephalopod Biology and Ecology, Ecology of Modular Organisms, or Marine Research Methods. Appropriate course descriptions are published as seminars are offered; student-initiated topics welcome. Prerequisite:   Offered: Fall.
  • MAR 49200 - Special Topics

    (1-4) Special topics in various fields are offered as needed. Appropriate course descriptions are published as topics are developed. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MAR 49900 - Senior Project

    (8) The senior project is the capstone of the student’s undergraduate career. The goal of the course is to identify, plan, implement, and evaluate a project that focuses the student’s skills and knowledge on his or her professional interests. Projects may be planned individually or in small groups. Students may register in increments of 4 or more credit hours. Prerequisite:  . Offered Fall/Spring.

MBA - Master of Business Administration

  • MBA 55000 - Tools for Success

    (0) A mental boot camp geared towards supporting success throughout the Alyeska U modules. Students will establish or refresh their abilities to read critically, manage their time, conduct research, and write cogent and compelling documents. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MBA 60100 - Business Project Design

    (3) In this course, under the guidance of faculty mentors and industry leaders with experience in a wide variety of fields, students will design a business project. In MBA 69900, the project is executed. The MBA project applies knowledge and skills gained in the course of study to real world projects demonstrating realization of business professional competencies. Through this project, students demonstrate problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, managerial, and administrative acumen. The course deliverable (written) includes: description of the problem or question, background readings on the topic, a detailed plan of action for data collection and analysis, the potential solution scenario or the manner in which (research) question will be answered, and a timeline for execution of the project (in MBA 69900). The course will engage invited guests from the business community to collaborate/identify/scan project opportunities in the business domain. Delivered in a seminar format. Offered Fall.
  • MBA 60203 - Effective Communication

    (1) The ability to communicate clearly is critical. This class will focus on interpersonal communication in dyads, small groups, and between groups. Students will learn how to organize points, summarize, support and present information and utilize visual tools. Meeting management, individual and group dynamics, virtual/distance communication and different communication styles will be addressed. The ground work for writing case analyses will be established. (Due to the similar content between MBA 60203 and 60920, only one course may be applied towards fulfilling MBA course requirements.) Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MBA 60300 - Metrics and Risk Management

    (1) Supporting a call for action, managing change, or implementing and measuring strategic goals requires a sound understanding of business metrics. Students will learn the fundamentals of basic financial reporting, accountability and financial stewardship. Capital and operational finance will be introduced. Day-to-day budget management will be examined and linked to broader organizational metrics. Students will examine organizational/divisional/departmental metrics for monitoring and improving performance as part of case analysis. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MBA 60404 - Building Organizational Capabilities for Change

    (1) Improved performance, including efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability, is a goal for most organizations. Students will learn the fundamentals of organization culture including subcultures and divergent or parallel cultures of owner/parent organizations. Building on knowledge of individual and group dynamics and utilization of metrics, models of high performance will be examined. Students will consider known metrics as the foundation for planning and managing change as a part of their case analysis. (Due to the similar content between MBA 60404 and 60940, only one course may be applied towards fulfilling MBA course requirements.) Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MBA 60501 - Leading Effective Organizations

    (1) Making change happen requires leadership at all levels of an organization. Students will learn about the fundamentals of leadership and teamwork. Team and group leaders must be able to communicate the need for change based on known metrics linked to organizational goals. Leaders at all levels need to effectively engage teams and individuals for ideas and decisions. Students will consider plans for communicating, deploying and evaluating change as part of their case analysis. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MBA 60601 - Decision Making and Risk Analysis

    (1) Strategy communicates organizational direction and coordinates divisional and departmental operations. Students will learn about planning at an organizational level including modeling uncertainty and forecasting for decision making. This will be linked to department level planning, management and operations. Identifying and analyzing risk will be introduced. Offered Fall.
  • MBA 60710 - Innovation Strategies for Business

    (1) Innovation in organizations is the foundation of internal improvement, external opportunities, and competitive advantage. This course explores Design Thinking, marketing research and quality improvement strategies used to identify new opportunities and solutions, manage innovation, and consider when to persist and when to pivot in new directions given market conditions, customer feedback and internal goals or constraints. These principles can be applied to all organizations, including existing corporations, new startups, and social entrepreneurship. Students will explore these concepts, analyze innovation management strategies, submit an idea in the Arctic Innovations Competition or alternative idea competition, and assess the competition’s results. This course is designed for students interested in both entrepreneurship and corporate innovation. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 60720 - Lean Startup and Business Model Creation

    (2) Lean business management principles have revolutionized many areas of business management including new venture creation and social entrepreneurship. Students will explore and apply lean startup strategies, including the business model canvas, that iteratively translate innovations in to a customer validated business model and preliminary financial projections. Students will participate in a Startup Weekend or alternative public pitch event such as a Business Model Competition. Students will be expected to critically access research in the area of lean management and synthesize information about lean startup strategies in Alaska. (Students should be advised, but not required, to complete the prior 1 credit Innovation course, and follow this course with the Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship courses in the spring and new venture financing course to be developed for the summer.) Offered as needed.
  • MBA 60730 - Business Strategy for Competitive Advantage

    (1) Business strategy frames business concepts, innovation opportunities, organizational design and capacities, market analysis, and investment resources to create and capture value. Typically more than one strategy exists for a given opportunity. This course will help students learn to choose what resources will best align with desired results and funding, and how to change business strategies over time as needs evolve. Strategy must be adjusted to fit the situation and leverage key resources and core competencies while taking in to account internal and external risks. Using innovative strategies in new ventures, existing business, or social entrepreneurship students will be prepare to face changes and opportunities over the next decade.

    (Students should be advised, but not required, to continue on to the 2 credit business entrepreneurship, and follow this course with the new venture financing course to be developed for the summer.) Offered as needed.
  • MBA 60750 - New Venture Financing

    (1) Creating the financing strategy for a new business is a creative and risky area for entrepreneurs and investors. This class explores the financing options to support a company’s startup or expansion, and the terms and conditions typically available for new ventures or for existing businesses to make strategic investments in startups. Students will examine and assess strategies to negotiate financing, ownership, and control terms, and how these terms affect the venture’s business model, operating plans, future capital requirements and exit strategy. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 60760 - New Venture Launch

    (2) New venture launch and company building is the transition from a proposed business plan to an operating enterprise with stable but flexible business processes and culture while meeting early financing constraints and remaining able to adapt to lessons learned during early market introduction. The dynamic shift from an original business plan and financing objectives to funded expectations, early team building or conflicts, and cash management are early challenges that may be more challenging than actual delivery of the innovations that the new enterprise are based on. Students will explore the challenges of new venture launches and examine successful strategies that can reduce the risk of failure.

    (Students should be advised, but not required, to complete the prior 2 credit Entrepreneurship course). Offered as needed.
  • MBA 60910 - ANCSA History and Context

    (1) The Alaska Native land claims movement of the 1960s, the resulting legislation, and how Alaska Natives have implemented the legislation will be examined. The unique roles and responsibilities of Alaska Native Corporations and their shareholders will be analyzed. Firsthand accounts from Native leaders will be featured.
  • MBA 60920 - Leadership Styles and Effective Communication

    (1) Leadership of Alaska Native Corporations depends on the development and succession of talented future leaders. This course examines various dimensions associated with leadership, awareness and development of personal leadership style, the role of communication in successful leadership, and the application of leadership theory and communication in the challenges of leading diverse organizations. (Due to the similar content between MBA 60920 and 60203, only one course may be applied towards fulfilling MBA course requirements.)
  • MBA 60930 - Leading Your Human Resources

    (1) Growth and sustainability of Alaska Native Corporations depends on the recruitment and retention of talented employees and appropriate planning for generational replacement of key personnel. Employees need to be managed in an ethical and effective manner in order to promote the interests of the organization. This course examines various dimensions associated with recruiting, managing, retaining, and compensating employees – including legal, ethical, and strategic issues. (Due to similar content between MBA 63100 and 60930, only one course may be applied towards fulfilling EMBA-SL.)
  • MBA 60940 - Developing High Performing Organizations

    (1) High performing organizations require building and maintaining an appropriate organizational culture. This course presents models for accomplishing this and explores issues associated with subcultures, divergent or parallel cultures of owner/parent organizations, decision making, conflict, and collaboration. These lessons will be applied to the context in which Alaska Native Corporations operate. (Due to the similar content between MBA 60940 and 60404, only one course may be applied towards fulfilling MBA course requirements.)
  • MBA 60950 - Budgeting and Planning for Sustainability and Growth

    (1) Financial accounts record critical information about past organizational performance as well as forming the basis for future expectations. This course explores the basic financial statements – income statements, balance sheets, and budgets. It explains the relationships between these and their appropriate uses for reporting information and forming and implementing strategic plans.
  • MBA 60960 - Federal Government Contracting

    (1) Rights afforded to Alaska Native Corporations through the SBA 8(a) program will be analyzed. The Federal Acquisition Regulations, Davis-Bacon and Service Contract Acts, and other laws and regulations governing Alaska Native Corporation’s in Federal Government Contracting will be examined. Current Alaska Native Corporation Executives will be featured.
  • MBA 60970 - Evaluating Options: Valuation, Risk Management & Diversification

    (1) Corporations are continually involved in undertaking or terminating a variety of projects. Some may be individual new business opportunities, while others may mergers or acquisitions of new businesses. Underlying the financial impact of any such endeavor requires methods to value businesses or business opportunities. This course presents a number of valuation methodologies and illustrates how they may be used in the development and implementation of corporate strategies.
  • MBA 60980 - Strategy Development and Implementation

    (1) Strategic planning requires the ability to understand the corporation’s current state within its present environment to help prepare a course for the future. This course will introduce the concepts of strategy development and implementation with a focus on planning for future possibilities, managing risk and developing organizational capabilities for change.
  • MBA 60990 - Working Effectively with Boards of Directors

    (1) Boards of Directors have critical roles. From the hiring of corporation leaders to the approval of strategic direction and disbursement of dividends. Leaders of Alaska Native Corporations (ANC) must understand the complex and often nuanced relationships between boards, themselves, and the corporations they lead. This course examines those relationships and provides ANC leaders with the information and skills to work successfully with their boards.
  • MBA 61000 - Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting

    (3) Governmental and not-for-profit entities utilize special accounting rules and procedures. This course involves the study and research of these special accounting rules and reporting practices set forth by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board and other professional accounting organizations. Prerequisite: Advanced undergraduate accounting course or equivalent. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 61100 - Accounting for Executive Action

    (3) Systems and procedures for budgeting and control, including cost and profit planning, responsibility accounting, cost behavior patterns, operating and capital budgeting, and accounting data for decision making. Prerequisite: Introductory course(s) in accounting or equivalent. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 61600 - Financial Markets, Instruments & Institutions

    (3) This course will provide students with the understanding of financial markets, financial instruments and institutions. Topics in this course will include various financial markets , derivatives, stocks, bonds, futures and precious metals, the functions of different types of financial instructions and the regulatory framework. Offered Fall or as needed. Offered Fall or as needed.
  • MBA 61700 - Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC/LEAD)

    (3) For students enrolled in the ANTHC/LEAD program. By instructor permission only.
  • MBA 61800 - Financial Statement Analysis

    (3) In this course students will learn to interpret and analyze financial statements for credit, lending, and investment decisions. Students will be introduced to the financial statements user perspectives, accounting concepts and principles used in the measurement and reporting of results, and ratios. Comprehensive study of the 10K statement, analysis of financial results, benchmarking and industry comparisons, Altman’s Z score, transparency, and indications of earnings manipulations using real life case studies are included. Prerequisite: Basic competency in excel, foundational knowledge in accounting (undergraduate), or advisor/instructor permission. Offered Summer/Fall.
  • MBA 62100 - Organizational Behavior

    (3) Focus on individuals and groups within organizational systems including organizational dynamics, behavior, design, and other factors impacting organizational success. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 62300 - Valuation

    (2) This course will examine a variety of valuation methodologies, including income approaches, asset-based approaches, and market approaches. Specific focus will be on the discounted cash flow analysis and selection of appropriate discount rates. Students will examine concrete valuation cases to put valuation theory into practice. The course will address both public and privately held companies. Prerequisite: MBA 61800 Financial Statement Analysis . Offered Summer or as needed.
  • MBA 62400 - Managerial Economics

    (3) This course introduces selected microeconomics concepts, models, and techniques relevant to management decision making. Topics include supply and demand for goods and inputs; market outcomes under perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition; differential pricing; game theory; and project analysis using net present value, simulation, and real options. Offered Fall/Summer.
  • MBA 62500 - Organization Development

    (3) This course introduces students to behavioral science theories and how they are used to develop strategies for planned change in organizations. The course prepares students to become effective organizational leaders through self-reflection, organizational assessment, diagnosis, and intervention. Offered Fall or as needed.
  • MBA 62700 - Entrepreneurship

    (2) Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle. This interdisciplinary class introduces students to strategies, tactics, and tools to articulate critical problems, develop a rich idea pool, evaluate solutions, and make a plan for launch. Given innovative ideas, a business model, and operational strategy, students will refine the external market conditions and internal operational and financial revenue models to develop a sound execution plan. This course is designed for students interested in growing ideas into relevant and sustainable projects, programs, organizations, and enterprises. Offered Spring or as needed.
  • MBA 62800 - E-Business

    (3) The subject of E-Business is an exciting and cutting edge component of entrepreneurial studies. This course is designed to educate the student to the level whereby he or she will be able to plan for and implement an e-business start-up or be able to lead the transition team of a traditional bricks and mortar business that is expanding to include e-business solutions in its business strategy. Offered Spring or as needed.
  • MBA 63100 - Human Resource Management

    (3) Strategic planning, development, and management of human resource capital focusing on both human and regulatory issues within the organization. Title VII, labor relations, task and work analysis, performance management, compensation, and other HRM topics examined as they affect supervisors and managers. (Due to similar content between MBA 60930 and 63100, only one course may be applied towards fulfilling EMBA-SL.) Offered Fall or as needed.
  • MBA 63200 - The Business of Entertainment, Media, and Telecommunications

    (3) This course exams the business economics, financing, development, and marketing of technology-driven content. Internet content pervades all types of business and lifestyles. Students explore how ideas, technology and bandwidth converge as key drivers of profit and non-profit businesses, and how money and policy influence content, entertainment, bandwidth, advertising, marketing, social media, mass media and information technology. In this fast moving and constantly expanding global environment, this course provides a business framework to evaluate how past and current trends can be leveraged in the future. Offered Fall or as needed.
  • MBA 63500 - Health Services Finances

    (3) An examination will be offered of the challenges of how the US health service systems function financially including private, insurance coverage, and publicly funded programs that interface with non-profit, private, and governmental service organizations. Contractual negotiations that build the relationships among doctors, laboratories, clinics, and hospitals, utilization review, coding, and billing will be discussed. The Stark law and Anti-kickback Safe Harbors legislation will be brought into the discussion of the financial limitations placed on some health service entities. Prerequisites: MBA 61600 Financial Markets, Instruments & Institutions  and MBA 61800 Financial Statement Analysis . Offered Fall or as needed.
  • MBA 63600 - Health Service Systems & Policies

    (3) Examines the structures, functioning, and financing of the US Health services system. Emphasizes foundational concepts of health and illness; health care cost; quality, access, and utilization; workforce; competition in health care markets; and supplier, provider, and payer effectiveness and efficiency. Investigates consumer behavior, determinants of demand for health services, determinates of costs in health care organizations, the roles of competition and regulation, insurance, financing, and looks at alternative approaches applied in other nations. Reviews the current information management systems that are used to coordinate services and administrate the various components of health services systems. Offered Summer or as needed.
  • MBA 63800 - Health Services Current Topics

    (3) Analyzes current information and management systems including workforce planning and productivity, financial planning and monitoring, quality assurance, staffing and scheduling, administrative information systems, patient care systems, and legal/regulatory requirements for security and confidentiality. Evaluates alternative uses of computer technology in health services including telehealth and electronic patient records. Tracks and provides supportive materials to address dynamic shifts in contemporary health service administration and in such requirements as the Stark Law, Anti-kickback Safe Harbor, Medicare, and Medicaid legislation. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 63900 - Health Services Evaluation & Outcomes

    (3) Offers quantitative methods in health services management to allow the administrator to evaluate programs and services for their effectiveness and efficiencies. Topics include: cost-benefit analysis, activity analysis, outcome assessment, designing of program evaluations, and reporting results. Tools will be provided to measure the magnitude of problems posed by different diseases, determine what health services are affected by the problems, and identify ways to eliminate or mediate the conditions while improving prevention and treatment. Prerequisites: MBA 61800 Financial Statement Analysis , MBA 62400 Managerial Economics , and MBA 65200 Business Analytics . Offered Fall or as needed.
  • MBA 64000 - Quality Management Practices

    (3) Practical applications of major quality management systems and models focusing on the integration of a number of models and approaches in order to ensure successful implementation.
  • MBA 64100 - Entrepreneurial Thinking

    (3) This course begins with a brief history of entrepreneurship, with examples from across the globe and discover how the entrepreneurial mindset is truly interdisciplinary and increasingly necessary. Through cutting edge publications and real-world tools, students will learn how others have taken a concept from idea to launch. This course introduces a variety of entrepreneurial tools for brainstorming, financing, customer research, idea iteration, prototyping, and developing various business models.

    This is the first part of a 4-course series. Offered Fall.

  • MBA 64200 - Marketing and Social Media

    (3) This course is a comprehensive and practical introduction to marketing management. Students develop an understanding of the techniques and strategies for marketing in a global environment. It examines the traditional areas of planning, pricing, promotion, and product and brand management. It also includes the impacts of social media and globalization on the development of marketing strategy. Included are understanding the possibilities and challenges raised by new distribution channels, customer feedback loops, customer/employee/owner loyalty mechanisms, and overall strategy development and communications processes with increasingly technologically mediated organizations. Students apply their learnings through a combination of interactive discussions, cases, practical examples, and projects. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MBA 64300 - Entrepreneurial Leadership

    (3) Entrepreneurs face unique leadership challenges, especially when creating a brand-new venture. This class will explore how to build and scale a team, foster a positive company culture, and gain a better understanding of the unique challenges of entrepreneurial leaders. Offered Spring.
  • MBA 64400 - Health Services Ethical & Legal Issues

    (3) Explores the laws that govern US health services systems and the inherent ethical issues involved in its delivery and development. Opportunities to gain certification for Institutional Review Board membership. Review of key laws governing health services practices including ERISA, COBRA, ADA, HIPAA, Medicare, Medicaid, Stark, antitrust, fraud, and abuse. Offered Spring.
  • MBA 64600 - Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

    (3) Apply the ideas and tools introduced in Entrepreneurial Thinking and expand your toolkit to include financing, marketing, managing, iterating, and product development skills. This is a hands-on course where students are able to work on real world problems and startup ideas. Prerequisite: MBA 64100 Entrepreneurial Thinking   Offered Fall.
  • MBA 64800 - Launch It

    (3) Leverage your research and learnings from Entrepreneurial Thinking and The Entrepreneur’s Toolkit courses to create a launch plan and budget. Learn what actually happens during a business launch, practice messaging, further idea development, engage stakeholders, and consider risk management. Prerequisites: MBA 64600 Entrepreneur’s Toolkit  and MBA 64100 Entrepreneurial Thinking   Offered Spring.
  • MBA 65200 - Business Analytics

    (3) This course provides a broad introduction to business data analysis and statistical inference to support management decisions. Topics include descriptive statistics, classification techniques, linear and logistic regression, similarity and distance measures, clustering, conditional probability and the Naïve Bayes estimator, lift curves, text mining, and the costs and benefits of developing databases and data science capabilities within an organization. Offered Spring or as needed.
  • MBA 65300 - Spreadsheet Modeling and Simulation

    (3) This course covers intermediate and advanced spreadsheet techniques for data analysis and simulation of business decision problems under uncertainty. Topics include analysis of growth, net present value of complex cash flows, recursive simulation models, simple optimization analysis using Solver, Monte Carlo techniques, and data storage and presentation. Offered Fall or as needed.
  • MBA 65600 - IT Project Management and Implementation

    (3) The IT organization of most businesses finds itself needing to effectively execute a “project”. Often this project involves complex changes to the IT network that will impact many if not all of the employees. IT projects often represent significant capital expenditures to most organizations and have the attention of senior management. Despite the importance, attention and funding most IT projects fail to meet one or, all of the original targets. The vast majority of IT projects fail when measured against original targets of for scope, return on investment and schedule. This course gives the student tools to help minimize the risk of IT projects while learning to manage the human, technical and financial aspects more effectively. Offered Spring.
  • MBA 66100 - Information Technology and Theory

    (3) IT has become a critical component in practically every industry and every business. IT is enabling communication, collaboration and information sharing at a scale and rate that is changing how business gets done and how people interact with each other. This course will provide a basic understanding of how IT networks function, current technologies in use for communications and computer networks, and factors an IT leader should consider in making technology decisions. Offered Fall.
  • MBA 66200 - Telecommunications and Information Policy and Regulation

    (3) The Telecommunications Act of 1996, along with parallel international legislation and continued evolution of domestic and international policies, form the basis for this course. Topics reviewed include: obligations and rights of common carriers; universal service in the information age; market entry and exit; pricing rules; network access by consumers, competing providers, and information providers; and strategies for interacting with regulatory agencies. Offered Spring.
  • MBA 66300 - Business Ethics

    (3) This course explores the ethical traditions of business including: the relationship between capitalism, corporations, and ethics; issues of social justice and economic distribution; the relationship between business ethics and the environment; and ethical issues and current challenges in the global workplace. Students will learn how to spot potential ethical issues before they become problem and be introduced to strategies and tactics for ethical decision-making and negotiation. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MBA 66400 - Leadership

    (3) Leaders in today’s organizations deal with cultural, human, digital, and environmental complexities, global competition, and management challenges. Effective leaders understand complexities of human behavior, engage their teams to innovate and solve problems, resolve conflicts, know their own leadership strengths and challenges, and inspire others to navigate their work with confidence. In this course students explore several leadership styles, traits, and behaviors using readings in the humanities, and exposure to indigenous stories and traditions of leadership. Students examine their own leadership roles within a team-building and outdoor experiential lab environment. Offered Summer.
  • MBA 66500 - Negotiation and Decision Making

    (2) Students learn about key decision making, types of negotiations, the negotiation process, weighing options, and learning from outcomes. This course introduces relevant interdisciplinary content, including the psychological biases and factors relevant to decision-making under uncertainty. Students will participate in several simulations and learn how to prepare for both negotiations and decisions and assess the outcomes. Offered Fall or as needed.
  • MBA 66700 - Cyber Security and Data Privacy

    (3) There is no bigger threat facing IT leaders than cyber attacks. One of the IT organization’s fundamental objectives are to keep critical business, customer and employee information secure and private. This course will arm the student with the basics of cyber security and how to reduce the threat. Offered Spring.
  • MBA 66900 - Financial Technology and Systems

    (2) This course will introduce students to the challenging interface between cutting-edge information and telecommunications technology and financial systems and applications. The consolidated nature of the financial services industry, involving banking, insurance and investment services, has created an urgent need for customer relationship channels across multiple products and brands. This course will expose students to a variety of integrated e-CRM applications in the financial services industry including web inquiry, online transactions and product recommendations. Other facets of financial technology that will be covered in the course include web and wireless based information-processing and transaction-enabling applications, secure on-line banking, smart card devices, mobile networks, e-commerce and m-commerce systems, electronic brokerage and program trading applications. Apart from the technical insight required to comparatively appraise several “off-the-shelf” applications that are currently available in the market, students will also acquire the necessary decision-making skills in order to be able to select the proper technology precisely suited for the job at hand given organizational budget and resource constraints. Prerequisites: MBA 61800 Financial Statement Analysis  and MBA 67000 Corporate Finance . Offered as needed.
  • MBA 67000 - Corporate Finance

    (3) Students will gain knowledge of financial and economic needs and processes within the organization. Topics include capital budgeting, business strategy analysis, forecasting and prospective analysis, mergers and acquisitions, credit analysis, corporate financing strategies and risk management. Prerequisite:  . Offered Fall.
  • MBA 67500 - Investments

    (3) Course will cover return concepts, policy statements, investment alternatives and historic returns, efficient market theory, Markowitz mean/variance portfolio theory, the capital asset pricing model and extensions, asset pricing theory, portfolio strategies, and performance evaluation. Management of the student fund is an integral part of the class. Prerequisites: MBA 65200 Business Analytics , MBA 61800 Financial Statement Analysis MBA 68300 Fund Management Practicum  to be taken concurrently or instructor permission. Offered Spring or as needed.
  • MBA 67600 - Risk Management & Derivatives

    (2) This course will serve as an introduction to risk management using financial tools. Students will learn about the derivative instruments available, how they are traded and valued, and techniques for using these instruments to manage different kinds of balance sheet and corporate risk. Prerequisites: MBA 65300 Spreadsheet Modeling and Simulation  is suggested, but not required. Offered Summer or as needed.
  • MBA 68000 - Directed Study

    (1-3) Individual study in a given field under the guidance of a faculty member. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 68300 - Fund Management Practicum

    (1) Students in this class will be tasked exclusively with managing APU’s live, fully funded, real-time growth equity endowment portfolio, established October 2001. Students will employ active-management quantitative stock screening and selection methods, sound portfolio construction principles, and portfolio attribution and characteristics analysis, while following the prescribed investment policy and discipline.

    This portfolio management course is fast-paced with an emphasis on leveraging APU’s industry-leading Bloomberg Professional service, providing a comprehensive array of market and portfolio data, news, and analytics. Students will be required to achieve their Bloomberg Certification during the course.

    This course may be taken up to 3 times for credit. Prerequisite: MBA 61800 Financial Statement Analysis .  Offered Fall/Spring/Summer.
  • MBA 68500 - Internship

    (1-6) Practical work experience or experiential opportunity in a given area of concentration under the guidance of a faculty member and on-site supervisor. Completion of a written report or document. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 69000 - Seminar

    (1-3) Small group meets with faculty member for in-depth study and discussion of particular topics. Appropriate course descriptions published when offered. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 69001 - Nonprofits: Creating Sustainability via Focus

    (1) Successful nonprofits have focus—clarity of purpose. They build on that with excellent people, external relationships, an ability to raise funds, and a sense of entrepreneurialism that enables them to adapt. This course focuses on leading edge thinking about the factors that create a sustainable organization and that build organizational resilience. Students will gain experience by analyzing current practices of a nonprofit and implement a strategy for improvement. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 69002 - Nonprofits: Building Stability via Resilience

    (1) Creating organizational stability requires perceptiveness and nimbleness to navigate change and weather crisis. This class will focus on how to sustainably strengthen an organization’s impact and enhance its stability by guiding board, staff, funders and other constituents. Students will build skills to assess and navigate stakeholders’ needs and priorities in order to effectively bring resources to the nonprofit-human, monetary, and physical. Offered annually.
  • MBA 69200 - Special Topics

    (1-3) Examination or study of a special topic or area. Course description published when offered. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 69300 - Special Finance Topics

    (2) Special topics offered depending on demand and program development, these topics will include: The Art of Trading, Options, Derivatives and Futures, Pensions, Commodities, and Managing the Student Fund. Prerequisite: MBA 65200 Business Analytics . Offered as needed.
  • MBA 69500 - Research Project

    (3) Undertaking of a major research project under the guidance of a faculty member. Involves in-depth study of a specific area. Quantitative or qualitative research methods are used in the completion of the project. Prerequisite: A course in design and principles of research is recommended. Offered as needed.
  • MBA 69600 - Current Topics in Business

    (1-4) These courses will examine a variety of current business issues. Each course will be taught by a leading authority on a subject relevant to evolving business challenges. These include entrepreneurial challenges and opportunities, integration of different functional areas of business, global business developments, and other leadership issues for a rapidly changing business environment. May be taken multiple times with different topic names.
  • MBA 69700 - Capstone Course

    (3) Integration and application of the skills learned in competitive strategy, finance, human resource management, marketing, accounting, operations management, and other functional areas through an interactive management simulation conducted in teams. Prerequisites: Completion of at least eight (8) MBA courses (inclusive of all core MBA degree offerings) representing a cross section of functional management/administrative disciplines or instructor permission. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MBA 69900 - Business Project

    (3-6) Execution of the project designed in MBA 60100 Business Project Design under the guidance of a faculty mentor who will act as the chair of the project committee. The written product and oral presentation to the project committee is required. The project committee will consist of MBA 60100 instructor, faculty mentor if different, MBA director, and industry topic expert(s) if applicable. The project committee must approve the final product before presentation is scheduled. Prerequisite: MBA 60100 Business Project Design .  Offered as needed.

MT - Mathematics

  • MT 09600 - Pre-College Mathematics

    (1) This course is a self-paced course which students will complete via course content on the internet. A review of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers through concepts in fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, proportions, positive and negative numbers, simple equations, and includes an introduction to geometry. Credits may not be applied toward a certificate or degree program.
  • MT 09700 - Elementary Algebra

    (4) Properties of real numbers, polynomials, factoring, exponents, radicals, algebraic fractions, graphing, solving linear equations, systems of linear equations, linear inequalities, absolute value equations, and quadratic equations. Credits may not be applied toward a certificate or degree. Prerequisite: MT 09600  or placement test. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MT 10100 - Intermediate Algebra

    (4) Includes and extends topics covered in MT 09700 . Covers properties of real numbers, linear equations and inequalities; graphs, functions, and their applications; systems of equations; polynomials and polynomial functions; rational expressions, equations, and functions; radical expressions, equations and functions; quadratic equations and functions; exponential and logarithmic functions. Satisfies CT Computation for Foundational Studies. Prerequisite: MT 09700  or placement test. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MT 11000 - Algebra for Health Sciences

    (4) The purpose of this course is to develop skills necessary to create a solid foundation of mathematic operations and problem-solving techniques for health science applications. Topics include algebraic review, dimensional analysis, dilutions, concentrations, dosage & intravenous calculations, algebraic equations, exponential and logarithmic functions and an introduction to statistics. Prerequisite: MT 09700 or placement. Satisfies CT Computation for Foundational Studies. Offered: Fall.
  • MT 12100 - Precalculus

    (4) Equations integrated with geometry, including linear, power, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their inverses. Prerequisite:A grade of C- or better in MT 10100  or placement test. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MT 21000 - Math Concepts

    (3) Elementary set theory, the real number system, numeration systems, algorithms of arithmetic, logic and geometry, the metric system, calculators, computer programming, and probability and statistics. Prerequisite: A grade of a C- or better in MT 10100  or placement test.
  • MT 22000 - Applied Statistics for Environmental Science

    (4) The fundamental principles of statistics including descriptive statistics, probability, linear regression, inferential statistics with science applications, and an introduction to the interpretation of the output of statistical analysis packages for microcomputers. Prerequisite: A grade of a C- or better in MT 10100  or placement test. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MT 23000 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I

    (4) Differential and integral calculus of elementary algebraic and transcendental functions including trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions with associated analytic geometry. Prerequisite: A grade of C- or better in MT 12100 , placement test or instructor permission. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MT 24000 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II

    (4) Integration techniques and applications, infinite series, and associated analytic geometry. Prerequisite: A grade of a C- or better in MT 23000  or placement test. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MT 28000 - Directed Study

    (1-5) Individual study in math under the guidance of a faculty member and by permission only. Offered Fall/Spring.
  • MT 32000 - Advanced Statistics

    (4) Practical application of both univariate and multivariate statistical methods including linear regression, analysis of variance, and general linear model. Design of research and evaluation of data. Prerequisite: A grade of a C- or better in MT 22000  or equivalent. Offered: Spring.
  • MT 35000 - Multivariable Calculus

    (4) Vectors, curves, surfaces, partial differentiation, and multiple integrals, and an introduction to vector calculus. Prerequisite:A grade of C- or better in MT 24000 . Offered As Needed.
  • MT 35500 - Introduction to Mathematical Proof and Theory

    (4) This course is an introduction to reading and writing mathematical proof. This course will discuss the basic language of proof common to all branches of mathematics with a concentration on discrete mathematics. It will contain topics such as mathematical induction, set theory, logic, divisibility, combinatorics, and cardinality. Prerequisite:A grade of a C- or better in MT 35000  or permission of the instructor. Offered As Needed.
  • MT 36000 - Differential Equations and Applications

    (4) Ordinary differential equations, elementary methods of solution, linear differential equations, and systems of linear differential equations, power series, and an introduction to dynamical systems, with application to environmental sciences. Prerequisite:A grade of a C- or better in MT 24000 . Offered As Needed.
  • MT 37000 - Linear Algebra and Applications

    (4) Linear algebra and its applications. The topics of linear transformations, matrix algebra, determinants, vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and orthogonality will be covered. Prerequisite: A grade of a C- or better in MT 24000 . Offered As Needed.
  • MT 38000 - Directed Study

    (1-5) Individual study in math under the guidance of a faculty member and by permission only. Offered Fall/Spring.

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