Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 APU Catalog 
2024-2025 APU Catalog

Academic Regulations

Academic Advising

Each student is assigned an academic advisor. This assignment is made primarily according to a student’s area of study, special needs, level of study, and interests. The academic advisor provides the student with the intellectual framework with which to make informed decisions regarding academic pursuits at Alaska Pacific University.

At the undergraduate level, during the first year and sophomore year, advising is designed not only to offer guidance on course selection, but also to explore the nature and importance of a university education. Entering first year students meet with their advisors on a more frequent basis, particularly during the first semester. Students are encouraged to take advantage of early registration opportunities, so that they may be assured of their first choice of classes. If a student has not already declared a major upon admission, an advisor will be appointed based on stated interests.  After attaining junior standing and declaring a major, upper division students are advised by a faculty member within their major.

Transfer students are assigned advisors according to each student’s academic interests. Advisors help assess the student’s standing toward the degree in the chosen discipline.

Academic Class Standing

Undergraduate class standing is determined on the basis of total credits earned as follows:




Total Credits Earned


First Year














90 or more

Academic Standings

Academic Good Standing – Undergraduate

Undergraduate students are considered to be in academic good standing when their cumulative grade point average (GPA) is 2.00 or greater. Grade point averages are compiled at the end of the fall, spring, and summer semesters.

Academic Warning – Undergraduate

Any undergraduate student whose GPA for a given semester (fall, spring, summer) falls below 2.00, but whose cumulative GPA remains above a 2.00, will receive an “Academic Warning Notice.” Upon receipt of this notice students are required to meet with their advisors and Dean of Students to make a plan to improve their GPA during the succeeding semester. The Academic Warning Notice alerts students that their “Academic Good Standing” may be in jeopardy and if their GPA falls below a 2.00 and that they will be placed on academic probation if not improved.

Academic Probation – Undergraduate

An undergraduate student whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 and has been previously placed on academic warning will be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation may not enroll for more than 14 semester credit hours in a regular semester and six hours in a summer session without prior approval from the Provost. In addition, the student must continue to seek regularly scheduled advice and counsel from an academic advisor. Notification of probation will appear on a student’s general academic information within the Web Portal. Regaining a 2.0 cumulative GPA on course work will remove the student from probation.

Academic Suspension – Undergraduate

An undergraduate student on academic probation who fails to raise the cumulative GPA to 2.0 and who fails to earn a semester GPA of 2.0 will be placed on academic suspension. Notification of suspension will appear in general academic information within Web Portal.

Once suspended, a student may:

  • Appeal for reinstatement
  • Appeal for reinstatement based on extenuating circumstances. Appeal will go to Undergraduate Studies Committee, who will render a decision on the matter. Undergraduate Studies Committee may, at its discretion, impose conditions regarding course-load limits, specific course enrollments, workload limits, counseling, etc.
  • Continue as a non-degree seeking student. Student cannot enroll for more than 14 semester credit hours in a regular semester and six hours in a summer session without prior approval from the provost.
  • Student must submit a Request for Special Consideration to the Registrar’s Advisory Committee to continue at APU as non-degree seeking until such time the cumulative GPA is above a 2.0.
  • Not attend APU for one semester, not including summer. Upon return, student must submit a Request for Special Consideration to the Registrar’s Advisory Committee for reinstatement. A student who enters APU after having been suspended will be on academic probation until the cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0.
  • If a student is still dissatisfied after following designated University Appeals procedures, student may appeal a decision to the Alaska Commission on Post Secondary Education.

Academic Good Standing – Early Honors

Early Honors students must achieve academic good standing for continued enrollment from Fall to Spring.  In order to proceed with enrollment in Spring Semester, an Early Honors student must have successfully completed a minimum of 12 credits in the Fall Semester with grades of ‘C’ (defined as C+, C, C-) and an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Academic Good Standing –- Graduate Students

Candidates for masters degrees are required to maintain a 3.00 grade point average in all work completed at Alaska Pacific University. No course in which a grade of D+ (1.33) or below is earned may be accepted toward a graduate degree. A graduate student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.00 in graduate courses, will be placed on academic probation by the Registrar. To be removed from academic probation, the student must bring his or her cumulative GPA up to 3.00 within the next semester in which classes are taken (check financial aid status) or he or she will be removed from graduate degree-seeking status. Student’s may appeal to the Graduate Studies committee to remain in degree seeking status for extenuating circumstances.

Graduate students are also expected to be making progress towards degree requirement. Students who have had two consecutive semester of ‘NC’ (No Credit) on thesis/dissertation/professional project classes (or other courses graded ‘CR/NC’) will also be suspended for one calendar year and must reapply to the program under the new academic catalog.

MAP and MFA candidates must complete 80% of their attempted courses during the MAP or MFA program at Alaska Pacific University. A student falling below an 80% completion rate will be placed on academic probation by the Registrar. To be removed from academic probation, the student must bring his or her completion rate to a minimum of 80% in the next semester or the student will be removed from graduate degree-seeking status. Completion is defined as receiving a ‘CR’ (Credit). Students completing MAP/MFA courses and other 600 level courses must maintain an 80% completion rate in MAP/MFA courses and a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Reinstatement to Graduate Degree Seeking Status

Graduate students may reapply to graduate degree seeking status after one calendar year (three semesters) from the semester in which they were removed from a graduate program. Upon reapplying to graduate study, it is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate his or her ability to succeed in the graduate program. Reinstated students must reapply for candidacy and must meet the program requirements that are in effect at the time of reinstatement.

Academic Semester Honors

Each semester, outstanding full-time undergraduate students with a 3.75 grade point average from the previous semester are recognized through inclusion on the Honors List. To be eligible, all coursework must be completed by the end of the semester (students with an incomplete grade will not be considered). A minimum of nine semester hours must be completed with letter grades.

Full-time graduate students with a 4.00 average for the semester are included on the Honors List. To be eligible, a minimum of 9 semester hours must be completed with letter grades. Students with incomplete or in progress grades are not considered.

Address Changes

Updates to the local, billing, or home (permanent) address, phone or e-mail may be done (1) in person at the Registrar’s Office, OR (2) by sending an email through student’s APU email account to the Registrar’s Office email with the change in information.

Alternative Credit Policies

Advanced Placement

In recognition of the strength of many advanced programs in secondary schools, students who obtain scores of 5, 4, and 3 on the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Advanced Placement Tests will be awarded degree credit in the number equivalent to an appropriate university course. Scores must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office directly from the CEEB in order to receive credit.

Contract Learning

Contract Learning may take the form of an independent study, directed study, a collaborative project, a practicum experience, senior project, or graduate level thesis or project. Contract learning is seen as an important attribute of the active learner, to be carefully developed under the supervision of the faculty.

An Independent Study course is a course which is listed in the catalog but offered to an individual student who is unable to attend a regularly scheduled course. A Directed Study course is not listed in the catalog but deals with a special topic and is arranged on an individual basis by a student and a faculty member.

Contract Learning makes education hands-on, experiential, and relevant to real world problem solving. Students learn how to conceptualize, plan, carry-out, evaluate, and present their own work while learning about their own interests and special abilities. A maximum of 32 credit hours earned through Independent and/or Directed Study courses may be applied to the BA or BS degree.

For graduate students, with the exception of MAP students, enrollment in either Independent or Directed Studies courses is limited to nine or less credit hours per student.

Credit by Examination

A maximum of 45 semester hours may be earned through institutional examination or using approved standardized tests and applied toward a Bachelors degree, 22 semester hours may be applied toward the Associate of Arts degree, or one-third of a certificate program requirements.  Credits earned by examination are not counted as part of the Alaska Pacific University residency requirement. Approved alternative tests include CLEP, DANTES, or Advanced Placement. Other national testing can be approved with the Registrar’s Office that has been completed and evaluated through the American Council on Education (ACE) process and is listed on an ACE transcript.

Some Alaska Pacific University courses, as approved by the insitutes, may be challenged through Alaska Pacific University credit-by-examination process (CEP). Appropriate forms are available from the Registrar’s Office or online through My APU. Students pay a fee and are given a grade for the examination.

Documented Experiential Learning (DEL) for Assessment

Students with prior learning equivalent to the outcomes of specific college-level courses may apply for assessment and awarding of credit through the Documenting Experiential Learning (DEL) process.

For the DEL process, APU adheres to standards established by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL).

The DEL process involves equating prior learning to college-level coursework.

  • Credit is awarded for learning outcomes, not just experience, and it is based on learning which has occurred prior to attendance at APU.
  • Assessment is based on equating prior learning with objectives in courses offered at APU, or other accredited institutions, as identified in college catalogs and/or syllabi.
  • Credit awarded through the DEL process is specific to APU, and not necessarily recognized by other institutions.

Through the DEL process, students can apply credit for prior learning toward degree requirements.

  • Up to 32 credits may be applied to the bachelor degree through the DEL process; up to 16 credits may be applied to the associate degree; one-third of an undergraduate certificate (dependent on credits in certificate) may be applied through DEL.
  • Credits earned through the DEL process are not counted as part of the Alaska Pacific University residency requirement.
  • Credit awarded through the DEL process appears on APU transcripts with course title, amount of credit, and grade entered as ‘CR.’
  • For students in Business Administration (AA), Business Administration (BA), and Counseling Psychology (BA): only 3 of the required courses in the Major Studies can be earned through the DEL process.
  • Credit can be earned for undergraduate coursework only.
  • Credit earned through the DEL process does not count toward a student’s enrollment status in a given semester.

The DEL process is coordinated through the Liberal Studies.

  • Students must take LS 20500, Documenting Experiential Learning for Assessment, in order to petition for credit based on their prior learning.
  • Policies, procedures, and criteria applied to assessment, including appeal of evaluation, are covered in LS 20500.
  • The DEL Coordinator is the instructor for LS 20500 and oversees the assessment process.
  • Students and advisors with questions about this process should contact the DEL Coordinator.
  • Students will submit one DEL folder for each course being petitioned.
  • Each DEL folder is evaluated by the DEL Coordinator, an expert in the field, and the Provost.
  • Students are assessed fees for evaluation of DEL folders.
  • Assessment includes a fee for each DEL folder submitted.  See Tuition and Fees for details.
  • Enrollment in LS 20500 includes waiver of the fee for one petitioned course if the folder is submitted in the semester of completing LS 20500.
  • Submission of DEL folders in the student’s semester of graduation must occur no later than stipulated deadlines noted in the academic calendar.

Military Service/School Experience Credit

Undergraduate credit is allowed in accordance with the recommendations contained in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services, published by the American Council on Education, when the credit is considered appropriate to an Alaska Pacific University degree.

Class Attendance

The presumption is made that there are no unimportant class periods, therefore, students are expected to attend all classes, including scheduled elearning sessions. Some programs may also require intensive residency periods, in which class attendance is mandatory. There are, of course, legitimate reasons for students to miss class. Excused absences include jury duty and observation of religious holidays. Instructors must be notified of excused absences 72 hours before the class period. Excused absences do not mean excused course work – it is up to the student to work with the instructor to determine if alternative work will be accepted (there are legitimate cases when work cannot be made up).

Unexcused and excused absences totaling more than 20% of course meeting times must be explained. The individual faculty member is to decide what action is to be taken in regard to academic progress, including withdrawing the student from the course for non-attendance (‘WU’) before the 80% point of the education session (Last Day to Withdraw).  Withdraws for non-attendance may affect financial aid and third party funding.

Competency Courses Minimum Grades

In order to demonstrate competency in Foundational Studies of EC Effective Communication and CT Computation a minimum grade of “C” (includes C+, C, and C-) must be earned.

Course Numbering System


00001 - 00099


REVIEW COURSES may NOT be used for the Associate and Bachelor degrees


10000 - 19999




20000 - 29999


SOPHOMORE LEVEL open to qualified first year students


30000 - 39999


JUNIOR LEVEL open to qualified sophomores unless otherwise indicated


40000 - 49999


SENIOR LEVEL open to qualified juniors unless otherwise indicated


50000- 59999


POSTBACCALAURETE credit (does not apply towards a Masters Degree)


60000 – 69999




70000 - 79999



Double Major/Degrees

Double Majors

Baccalaureate degree-seeking students may apply to graduate (during the same semester) with two majors. For example, a student may select two areas from approved majors such as Psychology and Business Administration.

Students may request a double major at the time of initial admission into Alaska Pacific University, or add a major at a later date through the Registrar’s Office. Forms are available in the office or online through My APU.

Students must satisfy the Foundational Studies, both sets of Major Studies, and all program requirements. Students must also satisfy catalog requirements in effect at the time of acceptance into the major(s), or later catalog requirements in effect during the remaining periods of continuous enrollment. The transcript and diploma will reflect one degree and two majors.

Dual Degrees

A dual degree is similar to a double major (see above) and will follow many of the same rules as a double major but will have two different degree designations. A student pursuing a dual degree will receive both a Bachelor of Science degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree, simultaneously, and will receive two separate diplomas. A dual degree will require a minimum of 158 credits with a BS major and a BA major. The student will be considered a five-year undergraduate student. Careful planning with academic advisors is an integral component of completing a dual degree.

Both degrees do not have to be declared at the same time, although they may be. The student will need to complete the most technical and higher-level degree requirements from the two programs. There may be overlap between the Foundational Studies and Major Studies requirements of the two degrees, such as having only one Junior Practicum and one Senior Project. Overlapping courses are determined on a case-by-case basis with the student’s advisors and approved by the Registrar’s Office.

Dual degree candidates receive both degrees at the same time. This means that even if a student completes all degree requirements for one degree early, no diploma will be awarded until the requirements for the second degree have been completed. If a student decides not to complete the dual degree, a Change of Major form to withdraw from the second degree must be submitted. The student will then be eligible to graduate and receive a degree for the completed degree (provided that all requirements for that degree have been met).

Second Baccalaureate Degree

Students who have received a baccalaureate degree from Alaska Pacific University and who wish to obtain another baccalaureate degree must:

  1. Meet admission requirements;
  2. Complete at least 24 resident credits beyond the previous baccalaureate degree(s);
  3. Complete the requirements for Major Studies, including resident and/or upper division requirements, for the second degree; and,
  4. Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 (C) at Alaska Pacific University in order to graduate.

Transfer students who have received a baccalaureate degree from another regionally accredited college or university and who wish to obtain a second baccalaureate degree from Alaska Pacific University must:

  1. Meet admission requirements;
  2. Complete at least 24 resident credits at APU beyond the previous baccalaureate degree(s); 
  3. Complete the requirements for Major Studies, including resident and/or upper division requirements, for the second degree; and,
  4. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 (C) at Alaska Pacific in order to graduate.

Second Master’s Degree

Students who have completed one master’s degree at an accredited institution may, with the approval of the program director, obtain a second master’s degree at Alaska Pacific University with a minimum of 24 credit hours over and above those applied toward the first master’s degree. Individual graduate program directors may approve a minimum of 18 semester hours for those students who already hold a master’s degree in the same or closely related field.

APU must have official confirmation of the conferral of the first master’s degree (official transcript with degree posted) on file before awarding the second master’s degree at the reduced credit load.

E-mail Address

All currently enrolled students will be given an Alaska Pacific University e-mail address. This will be the student’s e-mail address for the duration of time the student is at APU plus 12 months. This e-mail address will be deemed the official means of communication with the student.

Enrollment Statuses

Continuous Enrollment

Students who enroll, pay fees, and attend classes at Alaska Pacific University are in a continuous enrollment status for the current and subsequent semesters. Reapplication to the University is required if enrollment is interrupted for a period of greater than four consecutive semesters (including summer) and a graduate/doctorate student unofficial leave for three semesters (including summer).

Interruption in Enrollment

If enrollment is interrupted the undergraduate student is to request a Leave of Absence for four consecutive semesters (including summer) and a graduate/doctorate student unofficial leave for three semesters (including summer), the student must reapply for admission and meet admission and degree requirements in existence at the time of his or her readmission.

Leave of Absence

Alaska Pacific University allows an undergraduate student to request a Leave of Absence for four consecutive semesters (including summer) and a graduate/doctorate student unofficial leave for three semesters (including summer) if the student is in good academic standing. A student will be allowed to maintain his/her catalog during this time but will lose access to APU facilities and resources available to current students. The student will be held responsible for working on deferment options with student loan companies. A student will need to reapply to the college to be admitted under a new catalog if the leave of absence goes beyond the requested time period. Alaska Pacific University will not be held responsible to continue a program/major that was terminated during a student’s leave of absence. The college does hold the right to deny the leave of absence request.

A student needing to take a Medical Leave of Absence during his/her studies can fill out the Medical Leave of Absence Request and must submit medical documentation from an attending physician. This leave of absence can be only granted for a 180 day period. This will be reported to the National Student Clearinghouse and may be eligible for additional loan deferment.

Off-Campus Enrollment

Once enrolled at Alaska Pacific University, students may not take courses elsewhere and transfer them to Alaska Pacific University, unless the arrangement is approved in advance. The advisor’s approval is sufficient except when such an arrangement is to take place during ‘Residency,” the final 16 or 32 semester hours prior to receiving an associate or bachelor degree. In the latter case, the student may request a “waiver of the University Residency Requirement” by submitting a Special Consideration form to the Registrar’s Advisory Committee.

Limitation of Time – Graduate Studies

All coursework must be completed within a seven-year period for master’s degrees. The date of entry into the first course of a student’s graduate program, including work for which transfer credit is allowed, is viewed as the starting point of the seven-year period. If a course taken to complete the requirements for the master’s degree does not fall within the seven-year period allowed for the degree, the course, with program approval, may be retaken for credit. Otherwise, another course of equivalent credits must be substituted in the program.

All coursework must be completed within a ten-year period for doctoral degrees. The date of entry into the first course of a student’s doctoral program, including evaluation for which transfer credit is allowed, is viewed as the starting point of the ten-year period. If a course taken to complete the requirements for the doctoral degree does not fall within the ten-year period allowed for the degree, the course, with departmental approval, may be retaken for credit. Otherwise, another course of equivalent credit hours must be substituted in the program.


Undergraduate Grading System

The following letter grade system is used for undergraduate courses (10000-49999):








Superior mastery of facts and principles; demonstrated clear evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.










Above average mastery of facts and principles; above average evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.










Average mastery of facts and principles; average evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.










Little mastery of facts and principles; minimal evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.










No mastery of facts and principles; insufficient evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.










Credit/No credit (see explanation)










Incomplete courses (see explanation)










In-Progress Grade (see explanation)








W #


Withdrawal (see explanation)












Withdrawal Unofficial (see explanation)



 NOTE: When course is repeated, only the last grade counts in GPA computations.

Graduate Grading System

The following letter grade system is used for Graduate level courses (60000-79999 level):








Above average mastery of facts and principles









Average mastery of facts and principles













Below average mastery of facts and principles













Little mastery of facts and principles



D 1.00
D- .67



No mastery of facts and principles





Credit/No credit (see explanation)





Incomplete courses (see explanation)





In Progress (see explanation)



W #


Withdrawal (see explanation)



*Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)

Grades may be given when this type of assessment is a more logical assessment method than traditional letter grades. Credit means the student has satisfactorily completed the course with the letter grade equivalent of at least a “C” (2.00) for undergraduate work and a “B-” (2.67) for graduate work. Courses that currently fit this category include:

  1. MT 09600 and MT 09700
  2. Contract Learning
  3. Master of Arts (MAP) courses
  4. Thesis Credits
  5. LS 20500
  6. MFA Courses

Moreover, a student may, within the first two weeks of a semester or equivalent, declare in writing to the registrar that he or she wishes to receive a CR/NC grade for any general elective course. A student may exercise the CR/NC grade option for only one course (3 or 4 credits) during any one enrollment period. Up to 16 credits of the 128 credits required for graduation may be graded as CR/NC unless otherwise noted within programs.

**Incomplete Course Grades (I)

 An instructor may give an Incomplete grade (“I”) to a student only when all the following conditions have been met:

  1. The student has completed at least 75% of the work in the class and with a passing grade, and
  2. The student cannot complete the work by the end of the term of enrollment for reasons beyond the student’s control (sudden illness, accident, or being sent out of town unexpectedly by an employer, as examples).
  3. The course is not senior project (49900), thesis credits (69900), student teaching (ED 68600), dissertation/professional project (PY 66000, PY 74500, PY 75100, PY 76100), doctoral internship (PY 77100, PY 78100, PY 79100), or MAP 68100.

Once an Incomplete has been granted, a student may not request to drop/withdraw from the course.

Process for Incomplete:

  • Student completes the form entitled Incomplete Grade Request
    • Student signature required (may substitute email request for signature)
    • Instructor signature required
    • Advisor signature required
    • Provost signature required
  • Submit completed form to Registrar’s Office by the last day of class, as denoted on the academic calendar
  • Copy the student and the student’s advisor with the Incomplete Grade Request form
  • Incomplete timeline
    • Student has no more than one semester to complete coursework and submit to the instructor
    • Instructor has two weeks from the assigned expiration date to submit a final grade to the Registrar’s Office through the Grade Change Request: Incomplete / In-Progress Make-Up form
    • An incomplete grade, when NOT made up by the deadline, and/or NOT received from the instructor, becomes an “F” grade
    • Once an Incomplete expires and becomes an F, the grade may not be changed back to Incomplete without going through the Special Consideration process

Additional time may be requested (approval is not guaranteed) through a Special Consideration Request form with a copy of the initial Incomplete Grade Request form attached.

*** In-Progress Grade (IP)

                An In-Progress grade (IP) may be allowed for senior project, student teaching, thesis credits, professional project, dissertation courses, or doctoral internship if the student is making satisfactory progress. A continuation fee equal to the cost of one credit will be charged for each semester an IP grade is granted, unless the student registers for 3 or more credits that semester. Students continuing an ‘IP’ from spring to fall will not pay an ‘IP’ fee for the summer semester unless they are scheduled for degree completion in the summer semester.

  • The student completes a Request for In-Progress Grade form. Submit completed form to Registrar’s Office by the last day of class, as denoted on the academic calendar.

A student may only use an IP three times for a course.

If satisfactory progress is not made on the course, as determined by the instructor/director, the grade will be reverted to a ‘NC’ and the student will be expected to re-register for the course and will be responsible for the additional tuition and fees.

#Withdrawal (W)

Students who wish to withdraw from a course and receive a “W” grade must drop the course prior to completion of 80% of the term (See Academic Calendar for specific dates.) The “W” grade may not be granted after that date unless the student files a Request for Special Consideration and the “W” grade is approved.

##Withdrawal Unofficial (WU)

The “WU” grade is given by an instructor when a student ceases class attendance without completing the formal withdrawal procedure. Date of last attendance must be noted.  WU grade may not be given later than the last day for students to be able to withdraw with a “W”.

Minimum Grade Standard

The minimum passing grade for undergraduate coursework is a D-. Many programs at APU have adopted higher standards for programmatic requirements. These additional grade requirements are noted in the in the major program descriptions within the catalog. Courses may also require a higher passing grade in the course description or a grade requirement for prerequisites to enroll in the course.

The minimum accepted grade for graduate work is a C-. Programs may adopted a higher standard for passing grades. The additional grade requirements are noted in the program requirements in the catalog.

The grade ‘NC’ is considered a non-passing grade for all degree and certificate programs at Alaska Pacific University.

Grade Change Policy

Once an instructor submits a final grade to the Registrar, it may not be changed except under the following circumstances:

  • Clerical Error Policy. An instructor may certify on a Request for Grade Change form that the original grade was incorrect due to a clerical error (e.g., points added incorrectly or term paper turned in on time but overlooked). The error must be explained, and the change justified on the request form. The request must be approved and signed by the instructor’s insitute director or program director and by the Provost.
  • Academic Appeal Policy. Alaska Pacific University’s academic standards presume that the instructor of a course is the best qualified person to evaluate the academic work of students in that instructor’s course, and is the best person to assign grades to those students. For this reason grades submitted by instructors are not normally subject to review by the University’s administration. However, when a student believes that a particular grade was assigned in a manner that was arbitrary or capricious, or that crucial evidence was not taken into account, the student may appeal the grade. In the case of such an appeal by a student, the burden of proof shall be on the student. (See grade change policy form on APU website.) If a student is still dissatisfied after following designated APU appeals procedures, the student may appeal a decision to the Alaska Commission on Post Secondary Education.

Academic Integrity Policy

Alaska Pacific University is a community of learners and teachers in which all enjoy freedoms and privileges based upon mutual trust and respect as well as a clear sense of responsibility. This philosophy forms the foundation of the academic and social environment at this university.

In the academic arena, students are responsible for their own learning while faculty members enhance these learning experiences. Students are expected to do all work assigned, to do it honestly and with integrity, and to ensure that the instructor has actually received the work.

As noted in the Student Handbook, cheating on examinations, plagiarism, or submitting the work of others as one’s own are specific examples of prohibited conduct. Students who engage in such activities will be subject to disciplinary measures, which may include failure in the course or expulsion from the university. (See Student Handbook for further information.)

Jury Duty

Students will be excused from class attendance for jury duty upon presenting evidence of their summons. Students are expected to make up missed class work expeditiously upon completion of their duty.


A minor/concentration/emphasis is recognized at Alaska Pacific University as an additional component of a baccalaureate degree. Due to the nature of these additional education opportunities these designations can only be earned in conjunction with a bachelor’s degree at time of degree conferral. All minors/concentrations/emphases must be declared during the graduation application process. Minors/concentrations/emphases will not be later added to a conferred degree.

Meningitis, Alaska Postsecondary Immunization Act

In an effort to increase public awareness of meningococcal disease, the Alaska Postsecondary Immunization Act was signed into law on May 18, 2005. This law requires that all educational providers give written notice to each student regarding meningococcal disease as described in statute. The educational provider must obtain a signature from each student indicating that the student has either 1) received an immunization against the disease, or 2) received written notification informing them of meningococcal disease.

Name Change

Students may initiate an official name change by presenting one of the following documents establishing identity (w/photograph) and showing both names:

  • CURRENT Passport or Passport Card
  • CURRENT Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)


Select ONE from list below:

  • CURRENT Driver’s license or ID card issued by a State or outlying possession of the United States provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address
  • CURRENT ID card issued by federal, state or local government agencies or entities, provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address
  • CURRENT U.S. Military card or draft record
  • CURRENT Military dependent’s ID card
  • CURRENT U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card
  • CURRENT Driver’s license issued by a Canadian government authority

And one of the following documents establishing legal name change:

  • Marriage Certificate
  • Divorce Decree
  • Court Order
  • Social Security Account Number Card (name must match name from column 1 ID)
  • Authorized Document Issued by the Department of Homeland Security

Non-Standard Term

Alaska Pacific University occasionally offers courses (PsyD, MBA, and Corporate Education) that do not fit into the traditional academic calendar options that have been approved by the university. Such courses are considered to be offered on a non-standard term and may be subject to different payment calculations by third party government agencies based on meeting times. It is the student’s responsibility to determine if these courses will affect funding and other benefits, including VA benefits and financial aid.

Personal Information

In the first month of attending Alaska Pacific University, all students must provide the following additional information: date of birth, gender, and ethnicity/race. The age, gender, and ethnicity are used to report to the federal government, in aggregate only, as is required in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).

The social security number, in combination with the birth date, is a means of identification and is required for those students receiving federal money. Students not electing to provide APU with their social security will not be eligible to receive federal funding, tax forms, or be reported for loan deferment.

Placement for Writing and Math

Undergraduate students entering APU will be placed into the Written Communication and Computation/Quantitative Reasoning sequences by way of either prior college-level coursework or APU placement exams.  Students without prior college-level coursework in written communication and/or quantitative studies must take the appropriate placement exam(s).


Prerequisites are listed with the course descriptions in this catalog. Prerequisites are designed to alert the student to the background expected for the course. This ensures that the student can more fully benefit from the course material. Instructor permission is required for any student not having the prerequisites to enroll.

Semester Credit Hour

One semester hour represents what a typical student might be expected to learn in one semester  (40-45 hours including class time and preparation) of full time study.

Semester Information

Alaska Pacific University has three semesters per year: spring, summer, and fall. Within a semester are multiple terms: Block, Session, and Module. For specific semester and term dates, please see the academic calendar. Note: Summer semester terms may vary in length.

F = Full Semester = 15 weeks

B = Block = 4 weeks

S = Session = 11 weeks

M1 = Module I = 7 weeks

M2 = Module II = 7 weeks

Special Consideration

A student, whose circumstances may be exceptional, may file a Request for Special Consideration form to seek a waiver of an academic policy. The form is available in the Registrar’s Office or online through My APU. The specific request must be stated, along with supporting facts and circumstances. All requests involving waivers of graduation requirements are first considered by the Registrar who consults with program areas and makes determinations. Requests are referred to the Curriculum Committee if the request pertains to a university-wide requirement. The Curriculum Committee considers appeals to the Registrar’s decision. Automatic approval of such requests should not be assumed (see appeals process).

Social Security Number Corrections

A correction in social security number requires the student to bring the social security card to the Registrar’s Office for verification.

Student Enrollment Status

Undergraduate students are considered full time if they are enrolled in 12 or more credits per semester (spring, summer, fall). To be considered half time undergraduate students must enroll in six to eleven credit hours per semester. Students registered under 6 credit hours will be considered less than half time.

Undergraduate Status

Status Credits Load
Less than 1/4 time 1-2 credits
1/4 Time 3-5 credits
1/2 Time (Half Time)

6-8 credits

3/4 Time 9-11 credits
Full Time 12 or more credits


Graduate students are considered full time if they are enrolled in six or more credits per semester (spring, summer, fall). To be considered half time status graduate students must enroll in three to five hours per semester. Students registered under three credit hours will be considered less than half time. Professional studies students (5000-59999) courses are not counted towards student enrollment status since the courses do not count towards degree requirements.

Graduate Status

Status Credits Load
Less than 1/4 Time 1 credit
1/4 Time 2 credits
1/2 Time (Half Time)

3 - 4 credits

3/4 Time 5 credits
Full Time 6 or more credits

Alaska Pacific University encourages the academic success of its students. Because full-time academic study at Alaska Pacific University requires considerable diligence, a course load exceeding 12 credits is not recommended to undergraduate students who are concurrently pursuing full-time employment. Students who work full-time who wish to carry more than the recommended credits are warned that, historically, such over commitment has resulted in a greater incidence of lower academic achievement than would be expected under normal circumstances.

Student Rights and Responsibilities and Conduct Code

Student Rights and Responsibilities and Conduct Policies are outlined in the Student Handbook. For more information about the Student Code of Conduct please refer to the Student Handbook or contact the Dean of Students Office at 907-564-8287.

Student Services

Alaska Pacific University offers a variety of student services including a counseling and wellness center, career and disability services, outdoor and recreation programs, dining services and first year academic advising. Please contact these departments directly for more information regarding services. Contact information can be found in the Directory.

Admissions, Financial Aid, and the Registrar’s Office are part of Student Enrollment Services. Please contact Student Enrollment Services at 907-564-8248 for more information.

APU operates an on-site campus store and mailroom for sundries and supplies. All textbooks are ordered online through MBS Direct. For more information about the Campus Store please contact 907-564-8218. For the MBS Bookstore please call 907-564-8210.

Student Records

The university maintains confidentiality of all student records. A student may, however, obtain specific information contained in these records as specified by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-380. The annual notification of student rights under FERPA is emailed at the start of the fall semester. Copies are otherwise available from the Registrar’s and Dean of Students’ offices. Both official and unofficial transcripts are available from the Registrar’s office.

Student Risk Management Plan

Any student who plans to study independently in a foreign country, do field work in a wilderness setting, or engage in a high-risk activity during independent course work is required to submit a Student Risk Management Plan (SRMP) to the Alaska Pacific University Risk Management Committee (RMC). Students are advised to begin the proposal at least 30 days in advance. Students may access information about how to prepare such a plan on the APU Website. The approved plan must be attached to the learning contract (i.e. Directed Study, Practicum, Internship, Senior Project, or Thesis).

Study Abroad/College Exchange Policy

Alaska Pacific University has memorandum of understand [MOU] that allow exchange opportunities for currently enrolled students. If an APU student is approved to go on exchange the student’s home campus will still be considered APU. All financial aid will be awarded through APU and APU will report the student’s enrollment status to NSCL and NSLDS.  All courses will transfer into the college regardless of grade/completion and counted in our Satisfactory Academic Progress  [SAP] policy. The student will be responsible for making their own travel arrangements, housing, and securing any other appropriate paperwork (VISA, health insurance, vaccine list, etc.) to participate in the exchange.

Students who enroll at a college APU has no MOU the student will not be considered an APU student. When a student elects to return to APU the Transfer Credit Policy will determine all transferrable courses. Students who attend colleges outside of the United States may also need an independent third party evaluation of the transcripts and credits before a credit evaluation can occur.

If you are thinking about going on exchange please reach out to the Career Services Coordinator and Student Enrollment Services to discuss various opportunities.


Students may request transcripts or view a transcript online in the student webportal if there are no administrative or financial holds placed on the student account. There are two different methods to request transcripts.  The first is to order online with Parchment who handles a majority of our transcript processing. The second is to contact the Registrar’s Office and request a paper form to request a transcript. Pricing is determined by method of request, priority of the request, and number of requested transcripts. Transcripts may take up to a week to be processed.

Transfer Credit Policy

Courses completed at other accredited institutions, when courses are 10000 level or above, may be transferred to Alaska Pacific University if the courses are applicable to the university undergraduate degree and if the courses are completed with a “C” grade (2.0) or better. Programs have the right to declare time limits on certain courses whose content has a limited lifespan. Examples of these courses include health science or technical courses which the content is constantly being updated/changing due to new innovations in the field.

For students enrolled in the BS in Health Sciences – Pre-Nursing, only required (including prerequisite) coursework will be transferred in for program. No coursework will be transferred in for HS 20500, all pre-nursing and LPN students are expected to complete this course at APU. All pre-nursing coursework must have been completed within the past ten years before admission to APU. Students changing majors can request a new transfer evaluation from the APU Registrar’s Office to bring in any additional credits not transferred in when admitted into the Pre-Nursing program.

APU will transfer in a maximum of 96 credits towards a bachelor’s degree program and 48 credits for an associate degree program. For undergraduate certificates the college will transfer up to 3/4 of the degree requirements.

Transfer credit placement will be prioritized by first completing foundational studies and major studies requirements. If courses do not equate to program requirements the credits will be transferred in as self-determined studies. The Registrar’s Office will determine how to best maximize credits towards degree completion by focusing on transfer courses to complete degree requirements. A college’s accreditation agency must be recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation [CHEA] for APU to transfer in the credits. Programs may require additional accreditation and course requirements (i.e. only regionally accredited colleges) for transfer courses for licensing and accreditation issues.

Coursework transferred into Alaska Pacific University is not calculated into the cumulative GPA. Residency requirements and upper division credit hour requirements must be completed as outlined in the Degree Requirements section of this Catalog.

Currently enrolled students utilizing a catalog prior to Fall 2006 may request all transfer coursework be removed from their Alaska Pacific University cumulative GPA by requesting the change in writing through the Registrar’s Office.

Graduate transfer courses must be graduate degree level with a grade of “B” (3.00) or better. Please refer to Limitation of Time section of this catalog up to (including) one-third of the credits required for a graduate degree at Alaska Pacific University will be allowed to come from other accredited institutions. The program director will implement this policy based upon which credits are appropriate for the program.

Transfer of credit from one institution to another is at the discretion of the receiving school and depends on the comparability of curricula and accreditation. For this reason, no school, nor specific program, can guarantee that credits are transferable to another institution.

This institution will inquire about each veteran’s previous education and training, and requests military transcripts, all prior traditional college coursework and vocational training be submitted to this facility for review. Previous transcripts will be evaluated and credit may be granted, as appropriate. This is required per 38 CFR § 21.4253(d)(3)

Transfer Credit Matrix - Foundational Studies

Transfer Matrix – Foundational Studies

(Unless otherwise noted, one ‘course’ equated to an offering worth 2.6 - 4 credits)



Effective Communication

EC Written Communication

Associate Level students must complete WRIT 10100 level; 

Bachelor Level students must complete WRIT 20100 level.

  • WRIT 10001 or 10002 = basic writing/ grammar course
  • WRIT 10100 = composition course with focus on argumentation
  • WRIT 20100 = second-level composition course with developed research component

Previous college-level coursework in written communication ‘places’ student in written communication series, otherwise student takes APU Writing Placement Exam.

EC Presentation &

Media Literacy

One course from field of Communication

Critical Thinking

CT Critical Thinking

One course with significant attention to critical thinking, formal logic, reasoning and argumentation, decision-making, or leadership skills, from any discipline not double-counting with other requirements; satisfied by completion of prior associate-level degree

CT Computation

Student must complete or place beyond:

  • MT 10100 = Intermediate Algebra
  • BA 10500 = Business Math

Previous college-level coursework in math ‘places’ student in math sequence from MT 09600 through MT 23000, otherwise student takes APU Math Placement Exam.

Previous college-level statistics coursework ‘places’ student beyond BA 10500.

Cultural & Historical Perspective

CH Intellectual Traditions

CH Creative Endeavors

CH Intercultural & Spiritual Understandings

For Associate Level:  1  course required                         

  • One course from Humanities as fulfillment of CH requirements, including disciplines:  History, Philosophy, Literature, Arts Appreciation/History, Religion Studies, Cultural Studies

For Bachelor Level:  3 courses required

  • Accept any 3 courses from Humanities as fulfillment of CH requirements, including disciplines: History, Philosophy, Literature, Arts Appreciation/History, Religion Studies, Cultural Studies
  • If transferring in 2 courses in Humanities, student takes 1 additional course from any of required CH categories
  • If transferring in 1 course in Humanities, student takes 2 additional courses and cover at least of the 3 CH categories
  • 2 semesters/quarters of study in a world language is equivalent to one of the CH requirements

Scientific Inquiry

SI Biological/Physical Scientific Inquiry

Associate Level: 1 course

Bachelor Level: 2 courses

One course in either biological/physical or social/behavioral science

One course in natural science with lab component -or-

Two courses in natural sciences with no lab

SI Social/Behavioral Scientific Inquiry

One course from Social or Behavioral Sciences including Economics, Political Science & Governance Studies, Psychology, Archeology, Anthropology, Sociology, Geography

Ethical Engagement

EE Social Responsibility

One course (1-2 credits only) with focus on fundamental study of ethics; satisfied by completion of prior associate-level degree

EE Personal Responsibility

One course (1-2 credits only) with focus on self-direction, self-improvement, personal growth, physical education, personal finance, personal goals, professional or educational orientation

Students transferring into APU with a confirmed associate degree will have EE Social Responsibility and CT Critical Thinking Foundational Studies requirements satisfied.

Students pursuing a second bachelor degree, after confirmation of successful completion of the first bachelor’s degree, will have all Foundational Studies requirements satisfied.  Please refer to Double Major/Degree academic regulation for more information about being awarded a second baccalaureate degree.

Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses

Students with senior standing may, during their senior year, enroll in a maximum of six credit hours of graduate level courses and hold these credits to apply later to an Alaska Pacific University graduate degree. These credits may not be applied toward their baccalaureate degree. Seniors wishing to take advantage of this opportunity must file a completed Request for Special Consideration with the Registrar. The form must have signatures by the Program Director(s) of the graduate course(s) and the student’s advisor. Tuition for graduate courses may not be included in the standard undergraduate tuition.