Mar 31, 2025  
2011-2012 Catalog 
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Admission, Tuition, Policies and Procedures


Each Graduate program requires admission to the University as well as to the program the student wishes to enter. Application documents are collected by the Admissions Office and then sent to the appropriate department for evaluation by the Program Director. When a decision is made regarding admission, the applicant will be notified by the Graduate Program Director and the Graduate Admissions Counselor.

Note: Each department has individual program requirements and deadlines.

Students wishing to apply to a Graduate program must submit the following to the Admissions office:

  1. Application for Graduate admission.
  2. $25.00 non-refundable application fee. Please make checks or money orders payable to Alaska Pacific University.
  3. College transcripts. Official transcripts from all postsecondary institutions attended. A transcript is required from each postsecondary institution in which a student has been enrolled, whether or not credit was earned. Transcripts are considered official only if they are delivered in a sealed envelope from the issuing institution.
  4. Individual program requirements. Please see the Admissions section under each individual program.

International Students

International students are students who do not have United States residency. International students wishing to apply for a Graduate Program must submit the following to the Admissions Office:

  1. Application for Graduate admission. Follow the application requirements in the Graduate application and submit materials by the deadline stated in the application or the following deadlines (whichever is earlier):
  Fall Semester   June 1
  Spring Semester   September 1
  1. Supplemental application for International Student admission.
  2. Supporting financial documentation. Present financial documentation to support the information provided under the Annual Budget Section of the supplemental application. Supporting documents must be supplied for each person or party who will be providing you with financial assistance. The documents should reflect the individual’s financial history. Examples of supporting documents include: several months’ bank statements, a letter from an employer stating period of employment, planned continued employment and yearly salary, tax returns, or a U.S. Immigration Form I-134 Affidavit of Support (for students who have a financial sponsor in the United States). All documents must be officially translated into English and monetary amounts expressed in U.S. dollars. Students need to keep a duplicate set of all documents. These documents will be needed to apply for a student visa and to enter the United States.
  3. Foreign credentials evaluation (in addition to official transcripts). All students with transcripts issued by universities and schools outside the United States must send their transcripts to a credentials evaluation service for evaluation and must request that a copy of the evaluation be sent to the Admissions office. A course-by-course evaluation providing grade point average is required. A list of agencies that provide this service is contained in the Alaska Pacific International Student Information Packet.
  4. All international students must submit official Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores. Alaska Pacific’s reporting code is #4201. A score of 550 on the paper test, 213 on the computer test, or 79 on the Internet based test is required for admission.

Non-Degree Seeking Graduate Students

(Special Student Status)

Students who do not wish to pursue a degree program may attend classes at Alaska Pacific University if the required prerequisites have been completed. The courses taken under Special Student status may or may not be applicable to a Graduate program at a later date. Non-Degree Seeking students are not required to submit academic transcripts and standardized test scores, but must have departmental approval to take a course.

Students in Non-Degree Seeking status are not eligible to receive financial aid.

If a Non-Degree Seeking student wishes to enter a Graduate program he or she must apply for admission by following the application requirements of the program they intend to apply to. After completion of nine credit hours of course work, a Graduate student must apply for admission to a degree program, or reapply to continue in Non-Degree Seeking status. Continued enrollment in Non-Degree Seeking status will be contingent upon review and approval by an admissions committee. Only nine hours of post baccalaureate course work earned prior to admission to a Graduate program may be accepted toward a Graduate degree.

Students wishing to enter Graduate Non-Degree Seeking status must submit the following to the Admissions Office:

  1. Application for Non-Degree Seeking admission.
  2. $25.00 non-refundable application fee. Please make checks or money orders payable to Alaska Pacific University.

Admissions Standards

An admissions committee reviews completed application packages. The decision to admit or deny an applicant is based on the overall quality of the admissions package. Academic standards include:

  1. A baccalaureate GPA of 3.00 if applying for the first Master’s degree; or
  2. If applying for an additional Master’s degree, a 3.00 GPA for the last Master’s degree completed.

Applicants with GPAs between 2.75 and 2.99 may be considered by the appropriate Program Director. If an applicant’s GPA is below 2.75, the Program Director will make a decision based on the recommendation of the department in which the program is offered. The Program Director has the option of seeking input from the Graduate Studies Committee in uncertain cases. The Program Director will report the admission of students with a GPA below 2.75 to the Graduate Studies Committee.

Graduate Deferred Applicant Policy

Fully admitted, degree-seeking graduate applicants may defer their approved semester start date for up to one year with the approval of the Program Director. Individuals who cannot gain approval for deferral must reapply and submit additional admission documentation. The appropriate Program Director, in coordination with the Admissions Office, will determine on a case-by-case basis what additional documentation needs to be submitted.

Admission Categories

Full Admission

Full Admission status is assigned to students whose completed application meets the requirements for admission to the university. Financial assistance can be disbursed to students who have been fully admitted to the university.

Early Admission

Early Admission status is assigned to students whose applications are complete enough to determine that they meet the requirements for admission to the university, but are missing elements necessary for completion of the admission process. Students in this status may not register for classes and are not eligible for financial aid.

Provisional Admission

Provisional Admission status is assigned to graduate students who have been admitted but still need to complete program prerequisites or remedial and/or tutorial work while enrolled at the University. This status is granted by the appropriate Program Director. The time limit required for completion of this work will be determined by the Program Director that grants this status. Students who have not satisfactorily completed the specified requirements, within the prescribed time period, will have their enrollment revoked.


Waitlisted status is assigned to those students who apply to APU and meet academic standards of the University, but due to circumstances, such as lateness, need to be placed on an academic waitlist by the program director.

Admission Denied

Admission Denied status is assigned to students whose applications do not meet the minimum requirements for admission to the University. Students who are denied admission may contest such decision by petitioning the Graduate Studies Committee.

Graduate Assistantships

Each graduate program offers a limited number of graduate assistantships. The assistantships are available in the form of tuition waivers for a specific number of semester hours of course work. Graduate assistants provide research, instruction, or related project assistance for the department. The Graduate Assistantship application and the application procedures are included in the Application for Graduate Admission.


Student Financial Services is providing important information to all students regarding student financial aid and student accounts. Students are encouraged to read the complete section on student financial services and ask questions if necessary. It is the responsibility of all students to become familiar with policies and procedures that may affect their financial status. Important:  APU does not send out individual student billing statements. All financial aid and student account information is available via the “student portal”. Make sure you know how to access your information. The official method of communication at APU is student campus email. It is your responsibility to check your APU email for correspondence. Please contact Student Financial Services with any questions or concerns related to your financial aid or student account; email:, phone: (907) 564-8341, fax: (907) 564-8372. Student Financial Services is located on campus in Grant Hall, Room 125. Our normal office hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 PM on Monday; and 8:30 to 5:00 PM Tuesday through Friday – appointments are not required.

We emphasize that students who are diligent in their scholarship searches through national scholarship databases may find they receive enough funds to pay for the majority, if not all, of their education at APU. These scholarship database lists are available in the Student Financial Services Office or through diligent search and consist of monies given upon the basis of major, heritage, religion, need/nonneed, membership, age, and even contests.


Federal Financial Aid Eligibility


To be considered for financial aid, a student must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Student must be admitted to Alaska Pacific University as a degree-seeking student.
  2. Half-time students are eligible to receive Federal Stafford Loans.
  3. Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and request the results be sent to APU, school code 001061. The results will be received electronically by APU from the federal processing center.
  4. Students interested in alternative (private) loans must apply directly through their chosen lender.
  5. Submit a Master Promissory Note if accepting a Federal Direct Stafford Loan for the first time at APU. It is valid for 10 years.
  6. Complete Loan Entrance Counseling if accepting a Federal Direct Stafford Loan for the first time at APU.
  7. Comply with all application deadlines. Financial aid must be reapplied for annually.
  8. Respond to and complete all requests for documentation, verification, corrections, and other information as requested by the Student Financial Services Office or the agency to which you apply.
  9. Sign and return each Award letter to the APU Student Financial Services Office by the required date and decline in writing any portion of an award offered that is not desired. A financial aid offer is not valid until the signed award letter has been returned to the APU Student Financial Services Office.
  10. Notify the Student Financial Services Office in writing of any of the following changes: course load, withdrawal, marital status, residence, living arrangements, or aid received from outside sources.
  11. Maintain good academic standing and make satisfactory progress toward completing an academic program in accordance with APU Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

FAFSA Application Information

FAFSA is the required application for the Federal Direct Stafford subsidized and unsubsidized loans. All students, both incoming and returning, requesting financial aid are encouraged to file a FAFSA prior to April 15th for priority processing for financial aid assistance during the academic year beginning the following August.

Submit the FAFSA electronically to

Notification of the award offer may be delayed by a federally selected verification of information process; please submit accurate information on the FAFSA.

Federal and State Financial Aid Disbursement Rules

Federal and state regulations require that a student must be in attendance at least half-time (3 credits) before APU can disburse federal direct loan funds. Adding and dropping classes may affect the amount of federal/state financial aid a student receives.

Students who receive loans may need to sign for the check in the Student Financial Services Office, though most will be credited automatically via electronic fund transfer. The student will receive written notice from the SFS Office if they need to endorse their check. If the student does not sign within 30 days the check will be returned to the lender. If the student still requires a loan, the student must reapply for a new loan.

All financial aid awarded, with the exception of Federal College Work Study (FWS), is credited to the student’s account after the student signs an award letter and if required endorses a paper loan or scholarship check. (The student is responsible for locating work-study jobs through guidance provided by the Human Resources Office, located in Grant Hall.) It is important that students are prompt in signing for the checks. Unendorsed loan checks are sent back to the disburser.

Some students receive financial aid in excess of direct university costs. In such cases, the portion exceeding direct costs is refunded to the student as long as it does not exceed the cost of attendance. Federal Guidelines allow institutions up to 14 days after receipt of loan funds to process any applicable refunds. This allows APU adequate time to verify the student’s enrollment and attendance in all classes. As mentioned above, drops and adds affect the student’s eligibility for all types of financial aid. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they are enrolled in the required number of credits for each type of aid they are receiving.

Students having a credit balance on their account after federal aid is received may request a bookstore voucher for their books. The cost of the books will be added the student’s account, thus reducing the credit balance to be refunded.

If a student’s Federal Aid is applied to their account after the census date and a credit balance is created, the refund will be processed within 14 days.

Refund checks will be disbursed from Student Financial Services (SFS) and will require APU student ID and student signature. If the student is unable to pick it up in person, they will be required to provide written authorization along with a copy of some form of identification (APU e-mail address is acceptable) for SFS to mail the refund check to the address specified by the student.

Alaska Pacific University Interest-Free Monthly Payment Plan

The Alaska Pacific University Interest-Free Monthly Payment Plan administered by Tuition Management Systems is recommended to help you budget for the payment of your educational expenses and limit your debt.

The plan allows you to spread your annual balance out over 10 interest-free monthly payments for a small annual enrollment fee of $70, which includes Education Payment Life Insurance. This insurance benefit provides payment for the remaining balance in the event of the death of the bill payer. For those graduating in December or beginning their classes in the Spring semester, there are also semester plan options available for a fee of $52.

Benefits of the Alaska Pacific University Interest-Free Monthly Payment Plan include:

  • No Interest associated with plan, helping limit your debt and maximize savings
  • Toll-free top-rated telephone service during extended personal service hours at 1-888-463-6994.
  • Affordable counseling with friendly and professional Education Payment Partners
  • A wide variety of payment methods including personal checks, money orders, credit cards and automated payments from your checking or savings account
  • 24-hour access to account information at

Students are encouraged to seriously consider the advantages of paying some or all of your balance interest-free. This strategy is the most effective means of limiting your debt. Feel free to contact Tuition Management Systems for Affordability Counseling at 1-888-356-0350 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. weekdays, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays.

Discontinuance of Attendance

Students who drop classes may have their financial aid reduced if they then fall below the full-time/half-time credit requirement for a particular type of financial aid. Students who withdraw from APU must notify the Student Financial Services Office and the Registrar so that refund calculations or late disbursements may be made. Students who withdraw from APU may be required to begin immediate student loan repayment. Federal regulations require all student loan borrowers to participate in Exit Loan Counseling whenever they withdraw or graduate from APU, for students to understand their rights and responsibilities as borrowers.

Sharing Financial Aid Funds between Institutions of Higher Learning

Federal financial aid cannot be divided between institutions unless there is a consortium agreement between the institutions. The financial aid will be processed at the institution where the student is pursuing their degree, the home school. APU participates in a very limited number of consortium agreements. The home school will process the federal aid and any refund due to the student will be disbursed to the student approximately 14 days after the beginning of the semester or receipt of the funds, whichever is later. It is the student’s responsibility to pay the tuition and fees at their other institution.

University awards from APU will not be divided between APU and another institution of higher learning.

Satisfactory Academic Progress and Probation for Financial Aid (Continuation of Eligibility)

Federal Financial Aid regulations require Alaska Pacific University establish a Satisfactory Academic Progress policy for students receiving financial aid. Further, APU must notify students of that policy and monitor the progress of all students receiving financial aid to insure their continued compliance with the policy. It is the responsibility of all students receiving financial aid to familiarize themselves with the policy and to insure that the standards are met. Failure to meet the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress standards may place a student’s financial aid in jeopardy. Summer hours may be used to fulfill the yearly minimum hourly requirement. Students must maintain at least a 67% completion of attempted credits.

Graduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Academic progress will be reviewed at the end of each semester. Results of that review will be used to determine the subsequent semester eligibility for financial aid.

Students must maintain the minimum semester and cumulative GPA and to ensure that they complete the required minimum number of credits each academic year.

  1. Warning. Students who fail to complete the required minimum number of credits during a period of enrollment or fail to meet the required cumulative GPA of 3.00 will be placed on warning for their next enrollment period. The student will be eligible to receive financial aid during their semester of warning. Students will receive a letter notifying them of their warning status. Failure to regain good standing status within the one semester of warning will result in the suspension of financial aid.
  2. Grades of AU, F, I, IP, W, and NC indicate unsatisfactory completion of courses for financial aid purposes.
  3. First-time students and transfer students with no prior academic history at APU are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress for the first semester of enrollment.
  4. Satisfactory academic progress must be maintained even during semesters in which aid is not received.
  5. The maximum number of credits for which a student may receive financial aid is 65 credit hours. The credit count starts from the very first credit attempted, regardless of whether or not the student received financial aid. Any course for which a student receives credit, including transferred courses, repeated courses, and challenged courses, are included in this calculation.

Incomplete Grades: Courses with incomplete (I) grades do not count toward Satisfactory Academic Progress. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Student Financial Services Office of any changes in grades as it could change the student’s eligibility for financial aid.

Repeat Courses: Repeated courses that are required for a student’s degree program count toward the minimum credit hour load required for aid during a given semester. Repeat courses also count toward the 150% rule under the SAP policy.

Distance Delivered Courses: These courses count toward the credit hour load and may be used to fulfill credit hour requirements for financial aid if the courses are required for a student’s degree program. NOTE: Students are still required to complete these classes within the semester that they enroll.

Withdrawals: Students who totally withdraw from the university, after receiving financial aid, may be suspended from receiving future financial aid and could be liable for refunds and/or return of Title IV funds (refer to the Financial Aid section of your campus’s course catalog for information on refunds and return of Title IV funds).

Institutional Funds: Students receiving scholarships, grants, or tuition waivers from APU are expected to meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements listed in this document. Please be advised, however, that some scholarships and waivers require a higher GPA for continued receipt.

Financial Aid Suspension: Financial aid suspension will result from failure to:

  1. Complete of the minimum required number of credits required during a warning period of enrollment.
  2. Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00.
  3. Graduate prior to exceeding the maximum number of hours.
  4. Meet the requirements of an appeal approval. A student who is suspended again after failing to meet these requirements, MUST attend on his/her own without financial aid and earn the required cumulative GPA in order to regain eligibility (see Reinstatement). Subsequent appeals may be considered if a student has experienced unusual, extenuating circumstances.


  1. Appeals: A student whose financial aid has been suspended may submit a written appeal to Student Financial Services within 30 days of notification of his/her non-compliance. The appeal must include any extenuating circumstances (such as student illness or the death of an immediate family member). The student must complete the APU Appeals Forms in full and submit all required documentation required to be considered for reinstatement of financial aid. Appeal forms are available in SFS or on the SFS website.
  2. Makeup: A student who does not wish to appeal or whose appeal has been denied may regain eligibility the semester following the completion of the required number of hours and the attainment of the required cumulative grade point average.

Graduate Tuition and Fees

Important Academic and Financial Dates

   Census Dates for Fall 2011
Type Enrollment Period Full Block Session Module I Module II
Length of Enrollment Period 15 wks 4 wks 11 Wks 7 Wks 7 Wks
First Day of Classes Aug 22 Aug 22 Sep 19/21 Aug 22 Oct 17
Late Registration Aug 22-Sep5 Aug 22-25 Sep 19-28 Aug 22-29 Oct 17-24
Census Date (course transcripted) Sep 6 Aug 26 Sep 29 Aug 30 Oct 25
Payment Due Date Oct 7
Oct 7
Oct 7
Oct 7
Oct 7
   Census Dates for Spring 2012
Type Enrollment Period Full Block Session Module I Module II
Length of Enrollment Period 15 wks 4 wks 11 Wks 7 Wks 7 Wks
First Day of Classes Jan 9 Jan 9 Feb 6/8 Jan 9 Mar 5
Late Registration Jan 9-23 Jan 9-12 Feb 6-15 Jan 9-17 Mar 5-19
Census Date (course transcripted) Jan 24 Jan 13 Feb 16 Jan 18 Mar 20
Payment Due Date Feb 24 Feb 24 Feb 24 Feb 24 Feb 24
  Census Dates for Summer 2012
Type Enrollment Period Full Block Session Module I Block
 Section designation for specific terms F  B  S M1  B2
First Day of Classes

Apr 30 Grad

May 1  UG

May 1

Apr 30 Grad

May 1 UG

May 29 July 15
Census Date (course transcripted) May 14 May 7 May 10 June 6 July 20
Payment Due Date May 18 May 18 May 18 May 18 May 18


The actual amount of financial aid funding will be determined for the fundable number of enrolled credits on the first census date of enrollment. Verified enrollment could be a combination full, block, session and or module.

There is no provision to add a class in one of the above categories after the census date has passed.

The time-table above allows ample time for students, staff and faculty to address enrollment and attendance issues for each category

Payment is due in full by the date(s) posted on the Important Academic and Financial Dates chart.

If payments are missed, late fees will be charged and you will not be allowed to register for the upcoming semester until the account is paid in full.

How and When to Pay Your Bill

Payment due dates are posted on the Student Web Portal. Students can stop by the Student Financial Services Office to pay by cash, check, debit or credit. Students can also pay by credit card over the phone by calling (907) 564-8341. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.

Financial Aid Refund Checks

The availability of refund checks for the term will begin shortly after the disbursement of financial aid. Students will receive an email in their APU email when a check is ready for pick up. Checks will be mailed out to the current billing address on file after a week.


The collections process begins shortly after the posted census date. A series of three (3) collection notice letters will be sent out, one by email and two via U.S. Postal mail. Accounts will be turned over to our collection agency on the dates listed below if the account is not paid in full by the due date. Once turned over to our collection agency, a collection fee of 30% may be assessed.

If a student contacts the SFS office (before they are sent to collections) wanting to negotiate the possibility of setting up a payment plan they must fill out and sign a promissory note form. Contact Student Financial Services for specifics as it varies per student. All payment plans are reviewed and signed by the Director. If there are two missed payments, it is a breach of contract; therefore, the collections process will continue.

Employer Reimbursements: Students must pay their billing account in full or set up a payment plan through Tuition Management Systems (TMS). At the student’s request, SFS will send a statement to the employer showing their billing account has been paid in full allowing the student to be reimbursed.

Graduate Courses $660 per credit hour
Half-Time enrollment is a minimum of 3 credit hours  
Master of Business Administration (MBA) $630 per credit hour
Master of Arts Program (MAP) $575 per credit hour
Psychology Doctoriate $5600 Consolidated Tuition per enrollment period
Fees (all fees are nonrefundable)  
  Admission Application Fee $25
  Advanced Tuition Deposit due May 1 $100
  Audit for Noncredit Enrollment $200/credit hour
  Late Registration (per week) $50
  Late Payment Fee (per semester) $100
  Tuition Management Services Enrollment
    Year $70
    Semester $52
    Reinstatement Fee $25
    (students/parents who have cancelled or withdrawn from TMS)
  Student Association Fee  $55
  Lab or Materials Fee  
    (charged for certain courses see course schedule)  
  In-Progress Cost equivalent to 1 graduate credit  

Documented Experiential Learning (DEL)

  Graduation application fee $50
  Transcript fee
    Official copy $7
    Unofficial copy $4
    Expedited copy $15 for first $6 for each additional
  Health Insurance variable

Note: The University reserves the right to withhold final grade reports, transcripts, and diplomas if a balance is outstanding.

Housing and Meal Plan Costs (2011-2012)

Prices listed are for one semester (which includes 1 block and 1 session). There are two semesters in one academic year. If you need housing or meal plan information for only a Block or only a Session, please contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life for pricing and availability.

Residence Hall Council Fee
  Block Only $10
  Session Only $15
  Semester $25
Housing Rates (Effective August, 2009)
South Atwood Hall Semester Cost
  Triple bedroom in suite $1,700
  Double bedroom in suite $1,800
  Private bedroom in suite $2,100
North Atwood Hall Semester Cost
  2 Room Suite: Shared Bedroom $1,950
  2 Room Suite: Private Bedroom $2,200
  1 Room Suite: Private Suite $2,300
University Village Semester Cost
  Shared Bedroom $2,100
  Private Bedroom $2,550
Segelhorst Hall Semester Cost
  Private Bedroom $2,700
Meal Plan Cost Per Semester  
  Meal Plan $2,450

The meal plan includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, Monday through Friday, and brunch and dinner on the weekends, holidays and non-class days. Students living in South or North Atwood are required to be on the Meal Plan.

Housing Deposit   $400

Cancellation Fee (cancellation fee will be applied if you move out before the end of your contract.)

Before occupancy   $400
After occupancy   $500

Note: All students living in university housing are required to show proof of health insurance. See the Dean of Students for information.

Tuition Refund Policy

To receive a tuition refund, students must follow either the Course Add/Drop/Withdrawal Policy or Complete Withdrawal Policy, whichever applies. See the Academic Policies  section of the University Catalog. Tuition refunds are based upon the date the student submits their withdrawal notice to the Registrar’s Office, and are derived from federal guidelines. Fees are not refundable except when a course is canceled by the university.


100%    Refund     No later than 5 PM of the census date applicable to the enrollment period.

  50%    Refund     No later than 5 PM of the fifth business day after the census date applicable to the period of enrollment.

   0%     Refund     Day immediately following the end of the 50% refund period.


Students who have received federal or state financial assistance and have completely withdrawn from the university, as defined in the Complete Withdraw Policy, are subject to the federal or state refund\regulations and must go to the Student Financial Services Office for assistance.

When a student completely withdraws from the university and has received federal or state financial aid, the school is required to apply a withdrawal calculation based on either the federal or state laws. Federal financial aid recipients, determined to be totally withdrawn are subject to the Return of Title IV Funds calculation. Reduction in credits may require an adjustment of the Pell Grant.

Federal Refund Formula (Return of Title IV Funds)

Students receiving funds from various federal programs are subject to the refund policy placed in effect in fall 2000 by the U.S. Department of Education. The policy states that students withdrawing or ceasing to attend classes on or before the 60-percent point of the semester has been completed will be required to return the calculated unused portions of the funds received, including loan funds. Failure to do so could result in ineligibility for further aid consideration at any school as well as being prevented from returning to Alaska Pacific University.


Academic Standing

Academic Good Standing


Candidates for masters degrees are required to maintain a “B” (3.00) average in all work completed at Alaska Pacific University. No more than two “C” (2.00) grades or 6 credits (whichever is greater) can be counted towards graduation. No course for which a grade less than a “C” (2.00) earned may be accepted toward a graduate degree. A graduate student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.00 in graduate courses, will be placed on academic probation by the Registrar. To be removed from academic probation, the student must bring his or her cumulative GPA up to 3.00 within the next semester in which classes are taken (check financial aid status) or he or she will be removed from graduate degree-seeking status.

Academic Semester Honors

Full-time graduate students with a 4.00 average for the semester are included on the honors list. To be eligible, a minimum of 9 semester hours must be completed with letter grades. (Students with incomplete or in progress grades are not considered).

Reinstatement to Graduate Degree Seeking Status

Graduate students may apply for reinstatement to graduate degree seeking status after one calendar year from the semester in which they are removed from a graduate program. Upon reapplying to graduate study, it is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate his or her ability to succeed in the graduate program. Reinstated students must reapply for candidacy and must meet the program requirements that are in effect at the time of reinstatement.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Graduate students must complete 9 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.00, with no semester falling below 2.50. Completion of credit hours is prorated for part-time students.


Grading System

The following letter grade system is used:

A+/A   Above average mastery of facts and principles; demonstrated clear evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.
Course objectives and requirements were met by the student.
A-     3.67
B+   Average mastery of facts and principles; Average evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.   3.33
B     3.00
B-     2.67
C+   Below average mastery of facts and principles; Scant evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.   2.33
C     2.00
C-     1.67
D   Little mastery of facts and principles; Minimal evidence that stated course Objectives and requirements were met by the student.   1.00
F   No mastery of facts and principles; insufficient evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.   0.00
CR/NC*   Credit/No credit (see explanation)    
I**   Incomplete courses (see explanation)    
IP***   In Progress (see explanation)    
W #   Withdrawal (see explanation)    


NOTE: When course is repeated, only the last grade counts in GPA computations.


*Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)

Grades may be given when this type of assessment is a more logical assessment method than traditional letter grades, for example in thesis, directed study courses, and narrative transcript (MAP Program). Credit means the student has satisfactorily completed the course with the letter grade equivalent of at least a “B” (3.00).

** Incomplete Course Grades (I)

An instructor may give an Incomplete grade (“I”) to a student only when all the following conditions have been met:

  1. The student has completed the majority of the work in the class and with a passing grade, and
  2. The student cannot complete the work by the end of the term of enrollment for reasons beyond the student’s control (e.g., sudden illness, accident, or being sent out of town unexpectedly by an employer, as examples).

Once an Incomplete has been granted, a student may not request to drop/withdraw from the course.

Process for Incomplete:

  • Student completes the form entitled Incomplete Grade Request
    • Student signature required (may substitute email request for signature)
    • Instructor signature required
    • Academic Dean signature required
  • Submit completed form to Registrar’s Office prior to Final Grades Due Deadline, as denoted on the academic calendar
  • Copy the student and the student’s advisor with the Incomplete Grade Request form
  • Incomplete timeline
    • Student has no more than one semester to complete coursework and submit to the instructor
    • Instructor has two weeks from the assigned expiration date to submit a final grade to the Registrar’s Office through the Grade Change Request: Incomplete/In-Progress Make-Up form
    • An incomplete grade, when NOT made up by the deadline, and/or NOT received from the instructor, becomes an “F” grade
      • Once an Incomplete expires and becomes an F, the grade may not be changed back to Incomplete without going through the Special Consideration process
  • Additional time may be requested (approval is not guaranteed) through a Special Consideration Request form with a copy of the initial Incomplete Grade Request form attached thereto

*** In Progress (IP)

The IP grade may be given to indicate that a graduate thesis is still in progress if the student is making satisfactory progress. A continuation fee, equal to the cost of one graduate credit, will be charged for each semester the IP is extended.

# Withdrawal (W)

Students who wish to withdraw from a course and receive a “W” grade must drop the course prior to completion of 80% of the term. (See Academic Calendar  for specific dates.) The “W” grade may not be granted after that date unless the student files a Request for Special Consideration and the “W” grade is approved.

Semester Credit Hour

One semester credit hour represents what a typical student might be expected to learn in one week (40-45 hours including class time and preparation) of full-time study.

Grade Change Policy

Once an instructor submits a final grade to the Registrar, it may not be changed except under the following circumstances:

  1. Clerical Error Policy. An instructor may certify on a Request for Grade Change form that the original grade was incorrect due to a clerical error (e.g., points added incorrectly or term paper turned in on time but overlooked). The error must be explained, and the change justified on the request form. The request must be approved and signed by the instructor’s department chair or program director and by the Academic Dean.
  2. Academic Appeal Policy. Alaska Pacific University academic standards presume that the instructor of a course is the best qualified person to evaluate the academic work of students in that instructor’s courses and is the best person to assign grades to those students. For this reason grades submitted by instructors are not normally subject to review by the University’s administration. However, when a student believes that a particular grade was assigned in a manner that was arbitrary or capricious, or that crucial evidence was not taken into account, the student may appeal the grade. In the case of such an appeal by a student, the burden of proof shall be on the student. (See grade change policy form on APU website.)

Registration and Enrollment

Registration dates are on the academic calendar in the Catalog and in the University Calendar online.

Academic Advising

Each student is assigned an academic advisor by the graduate program director. The academic advisor provides the student with the intellectual framework in which to make informed decisions regarding academic pursuits at Alaska Pacific University.

Continuous Enrollment

Students who enroll, pay fees and attend classes at Alaska Pacific University are in a continuous enrollment status for the current and subsequent semesters. Reapplication to the University is required if enrollment is interrupted for a period of greater than twelve consecutive months (three consecutive semesters).

Course Add/Drop/Withdraw Policy

This policy applies when a student is adding, dropping, or changing course sections. If a student is withdrawing from all courses at the university this is considered under the Complete Withdrawal Policy.

Adding Courses

Students may add courses through the late registration period through one of the following methods:

  • Student Portal
  • Registrar’s Office, by:
    • Completing the ADD section of the Change of Class Schedule form
    • E-mailing the Registrar’s Office via your APU E-mail account
Term Late Registration Timeframe Census Date (Course Transcripted
Full First 10 Business Days of Term 11th Business Day of Term
Block First 4 Business Days of Term 5th Business Day of Term
Session First 8 Business Days of Term 9th Business Day of Term
Modules First 6 Business Days of Term 7th Business Day of Term

After the late registration period, students may add a course with the approval of the instructor and their advisor.

Dropping Courses

Students must complete the DROP section of the Change of Class Schedule (available at the Registrar’s Office) and promptly returned to the Registrar’s Office for processing or request to drop via your APU e-mail addressed to the Registrar’s Office. Please copy your advisor and instructor with the request. Classes dropped after the late registration period of a class appear on the student’s academic record with a withdrawal grade. The only exception to the policy is when the University cancels a course. Under those circumstances the Registrar’s Office will process a withdrawal for the affected classes.

The date the course will be dropped is the date the form is received by the Registrar’s Office staff.

Students who wish to withdraw from a course and receive a “W” grade must drop the course prior to completion of 80% of the term (see academic calendar  for specific dates). The “W” grade may not be granted after that date unless the student files a Request for Special Consideration and the “W” grade is approved.

Complete Withdrawal Policy

This policy applies when a student stops attending all courses at the university. If a student is withdrawing from one or more courses, but is still enrolled in other courses at the university, this is considered under the Course Add/Drop Policy.

Students must complete the COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL form available at the Registrar’s office or online through My APU. If the student is enrolled in a degree program, the Dean of Student’s signature is required. If the student has received federal or state financial assistance the Student Financial Services Office signature is required. The completed form must be promptly returned to the Registrar’s Office for processing.

The date of withdrawal will be the date the student completes the withdrawal form or the date the student officially notified the Registrar’s Office (this notification may take place via APU e-mail, letter, in person).

Faculty-Initiated Drop/Withdrawal

An instructor must administratively drop a student, who has failed to attend class (no grade given), or administratively withdraw a student, who ceased class attendance without completing the formal withdrawal procedure (see “WU” grade). Date of last attendance must be noted. A student may not be dropped by the instructor later than the Last Day to Withdraw with “W” Grade as noted on the Academic Calendar.

Graduation Application

Students must apply for graduation as follows:

  November 1   May graduation
  March 1   August graduation
  July 1   December graduation

This application is valid only for the graduation date specified. A new application and application fee must be filed if the student does not graduate as planned. All candidates for degrees must be approved first by the faculty of Alaska Pacific University and secondly by the Board of Trustees.

Interruption in Enrollment

If enrollment is interrupted for a period of greater than twelve consecutive months (three consecutive semesters), the student must reapply for admission and meet admission and degree requirements in existence at the time of his or her readmission, unless a request for a Leave of Absence has been filed with, and approved by, the Registrar prior to departure. Requests for a Leave of Absence are made by completing a Request for Special Consideration form available from the Registrar’s Office or online through My APU.

Leave of Absence

A granted Leave of Absence allows students to retain their graduation catalog.

If, during the leave of absence, the student plans to take course work elsewhere and transfer the credits to Alaska Pacific University, the request for leave must include specific information regarding the planned program. To ensure that these credits are transferred to Alaska Pacific University, the program must be approved by the student’s Alaska Pacific University advisor and the courses must be completed with a grade of “B” (3.00) or better for a graduate program.

Students whose absence from the university is less than 12 consecutive months are not required to reapply for admission; however, credits taken at any other institution during the absence from Alaska Pacific University will not be accepted for transfer unless permission to take such courses was granted in advance, and appropriate grades have been earned as described in the preceding paragraph.

Requests for a Leave of Absence are made by completing a Request for Special Consideration form available from the Registrar’s Office or through My APU.

Students not attending a summer semester are not required to request a Leave of Absence.

Maximum Credits Per Term

  Term Require Academic Dean’s Approval Max/Ceiling
  Block >4 6
  Session >12 15
  Semester >15 18

Off-Campus Enrollment

Once enrolled at Alaska Pacific University, students may not take courses elsewhere and transfer them to Alaska Pacific University, unless the arrangement is approved in advance.

Registration Requirements

Students are officially registered if registering through Web Portal or the Registrar’s Office. Graduate students are considered full-time if they are enrolled in 9 or more credits per semester (spring, summer, fall).

Second Masters Degree

Students who have completed one masters degree at an accredited institution may, with the approval of the program director, obtain a second masters degree at Alaska Pacific University with a minimum of 24 credit hours over and above those applied toward the first masters degree. Individual Graduate Program Directors may approve a minimum of 18 semester hours for those applicants who already hold a masters degree in the same or closely related field.

Semester Information

Alaska Pacific University has three semesters per year: spring, summer, and fall. Within a semester are multiple terms: Block, Session, and Module. For specific semester and term dates, please see the academic calendar .

F = Full Semester = 15 weeks
B = Block = 4 weeks S = Session = 11 weeks
SU = Summer = 10 weeks
M1 = Module I = 7 weeks M2 = Module II = 7 weeks

Transfer Credit

Transfer courses must be graduate degree level with a grade of “B” (3.00) or better. Please refer to Limitation of Time section of this catalog up to (including) one-third of the credits required for a Master’s degree at Alaska Pacific University will be allowed to come from other accredited institutions. The program director will implement this policy based upon which credits are appropriate for the program.


Comprehensive Examinations

Examination dates are available in the individual graduate program offices.

Course Numbering System

  50000 - 59999 POSTBACCALAUREATE credit (does NOT apply toward a Masters Degree)

60000 - 69999

70000 - 79999



E-mail Address

All currently enrolled students will be given an Alaska Pacific University e-mail address. This will be the student’s e-mail address for the duration of time the student is at APU plus 12 months. This e-mail address will be deemed the official means of communication with the student.

Honor Policy

Alaska Pacific University is a community of learners and teachers in which all enjoy freedoms and privileges based upon mutual trust and respect as well as a clear sense of responsibility. This philosophy forms the foundation of the academic and social environment at this university.

In the academic arena, students are responsible for their own learning while faculty members enhance these learning experiences. Students are expected to do all work assigned, to do it honestly and with integrity, and to ensure that the instructor has actually received the work.

As noted in the Student Handbook, cheating on examinations, plagiarism, or submitting the work of others as one’s own are specific examples of prohibited conduct. Students who engage in such activities will be subject to disciplinary measures, which may include failure in the course or expulsion from the university. (See Student Handbook for further information.)

Independent/Directed Study

With the exception of MAP Students, enrollment in either Independent or Directed Study courses is limited to nine or less credit hours per student. See individual graduate program.

Jury Duty

Students will be excused from class attendance for jury duty upon presenting evidence of their summons. Students are expected to make up missed class work expeditiously upon completion of their duty.

Limitation of Time

All coursework must be completed within a seven-year period. The date of entry into the first course of a student’s graduate program, including work for which transfer credit is allowed, is viewed as the starting point of the seven-year period. If a course taken to complete the requirements for the master’s degree does not fall within the seven-year period allowed for the degree, the course, with departmental approval, may be retaken for credit. Otherwise, another course of equivalent credit hours must be substituted in the program.

Meningitis, Alaska Postsecondary Immunization Act

In an effort to increase public awareness of meningococcal disease, the Alaska Postsecondary Immunization Act was signed into law on May 18, 2005. This law requires that all educational providers give written notice to each student regarding meningococcal disease as described in statute. The educational provider must obtain a signature from each student indicating that the student has either 1) received an immunization against the disease, or 2) received written notification informing them of meningococcal disease.

Personal Information

All students must provide in the first month of attending Alaska Pacific University the following additional information: date of birth, gender, ethnicity, race and social security number. The age and ethnicity are used to report to the federal government, in aggregate only, as is required in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The social security number in combination with the birth date is a means of identification and is required for those students receiving federal moneys.

Students may initiate an official name change by presenting of the following:
Documents Establishing Identity (w/photograph) and Showing Both Names

  • CURRENT Passport or Passport Card
  • CURRENT Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)


Select ONE from list below:

  • CURRENT Driver’s license or ID card issued by a State or outlying possession of the United States provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address
  • CURRENT ID card issued by federal, state or local government agencies or entities, provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address
  • CURRENT U.S. Military card or draft record
  • CURRENT Military dependent’s ID card
  • CURRENT U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card
  • CURRENT Driver’s license issued by a Canadian government authority

Documents Establishing Legal Name Change

  • Marriage Certificate
  • Divorce Decree
  • Court Order
  • Social Security Account Number Card (name must match name from column 1 ID)
  • Authorized Document Issued by the Department of Homeland Security

Address Changes

Updates to the Local, billing, or home (permanent) address, phone or e-mail may be done (1) in person at the Registrar’s Office, OR (2) by sending an email through student’s APU e-mail account to the Registrar’s Office email with the change in information.

Social Security Number Corrections

A correction in social security number requires the student to bring the social security card to the Registrar’s Office for verification.


Prerequisites are listed with the course descriptions. Prerequisites are designed to alert the student to the background expected for the course. This ensures that the student can more fully benefit from the course material. Instructor permission is required for any student not having the prerequisites to enroll in a course. (See individual program prerequisites.)

Special Consideration

A student whose circumstances may be exceptional may file a request for Special Consideration form to seek a waiver of an academic policy. The form is available in the Registrar’s Office or online through My APU. The specific request must be stated, along with supporting facts and circumstances. All requests involving waivers of graduation requirements are first considered by the Registrar. The Registrar’s Advisory Committee or the Graduate Studies Committee considers appeals to the Registrar’s decision. Automatic approval of such requests should not be assumed. (See appeals process  .)

Student Records

The university maintains confidentiality of all student records. A student may, however, obtain specific information contained in these records as specified by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-380. (See Student Handbook for further information.) Both official and unofficial transcripts are available from the Registrar’s Office.

Student Risk Management Plan

Any student who plans to study independently in a foreign country, do field work in a wilderness setting, or engage in a high-risk activity during independent course work is required to submit a Student Risk Management Plan (SRMP) to the Alaska Pacific University Risk Management Committee (RMC). Students are advised to begin the proposal at least 30 days in advance. Students may access information about how to prepare such a plan on the APU Website. The approved plan must be attached to the learning contract (i.e. Directed Study, Practicum, Internship, Senior Project, or Thesis).