Sep 12, 2024  
2011-2012 Catalog 
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Human Services, B.A.

Human Services

The Human Services (HS) major is designed to meet the educational needs of adults working in the human services field who currently do not have a Bachelor’s degree. The curriculum is competency based and designed to use active learning to enhance the current experiences and understandings students bring to the classroom, to provide culturally appropriate models and concepts that can be applied to students’ work environments, to enhance personal growth and well-being, and to develop a professionalism that allows students to become leaders in the human services community.

Graduates of this program are expected to:

  1. Understand the scope and history of the human services field.
  2. Acquire competencies required of human services professionals in interviewing skills, care coordination, crisis intervention, group facilitation, cultural competence, management, and service documentation.
  3. Understand and apply ethical principles of the profession.
  4. Develop professional writing skills, including the ability to write in APA format.
  5. Understand and apply research principles to current professional reading, evaluation and other applied research needs of an agency.

As you pursue your own path of study, our goals are for you to achieve the following competencies:

Creative Expression (CE): Demonstrates the ability to express one’s passion positively in one’s own voice or through one’s own talents and/or share one’s self or world in unique ways, and helps others to do the same.

Self Understanding (SU): Demonstrates the ability to identify, understand, and value one’s unique way of being in the world, as well as actively working towards reaching one’s full potential, and helps others to do the same.

Critical Thinking (CT): Demonstrates the ability to understand the fullness of things, including the abilities to consistently analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and research, to understand and challenge assumptions, as well as to design, implement, and evaluate projects, and helps others to do the same.

Activism/Leadership (AL): Demonstrates the ability to create significant positive influences on others and/or one’s environment through practice, writing, speaking, or other change modalities.

Professionalism (P):  Demonstrates the ability to use professional skills and to live by the APA professional codes by displaying behaviorally that one values responsibility, public service, accountability, clear communications, respect, excellence, and compassion in one’s work.

Knowledge of the Discipline (KD): Demonstrates the ability to identify, interpret, and apply facts, terms, concepts, theories and processes germane to the field of Counseling Psychology.

General University Requirements

  • Introduction to Active Learning (IS 23300 ) (3)
  • Written Communication (LL 20100 ) (3-4)
  • Speech Communication (IS 20600 ) (3)
  • Quantitative Reasoning (4)
  • Humanities (6-8)
  • Languages (4)
  • Laboratory Science (4)
  • Social/Behavioral Science (PY 15000 ) (3)
  • Ethical and Religious Values (HS 31800 ) (3)

Total Credit Hours: 49

  • Human Services Electives (3)
  • Electives (varies)

Minimum Graduation Credit Hour Requirement: 128

* Also satisfies GUR’s. † Credits are satisfied by Major Requirements.


A grade of “C” or better must be earned on all DCP modules and the Senior Project. A course must be repeated if a grade lower than “C” is earned.

Non-Profit Management Emphasis

A non-profit emphasis in management is available to students in the Human Services degree program. In addition to completing the requirements for the major, students are required to take HS 41900  or BAM 21000  before taking any of the 400 level Non-Profit courses in the emphasis. Students who take HS 41900  may select four elective courses and students that take BAM 21000  may select three elective courses from (BAM 42000 , BAM 42100 , BAM 42200 , BAM 42300  and IS 31100 ); a total of 12 credits is required to earn the non-profit emphasis. All courses in this emphasis are offered online.