Feb 15, 2025  
2018-2019 APU Catalog 
2018-2019 APU Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Admissions

Admissions Policies

Alaska Pacific University seeks to provide a clear and simple application process through the implementation of and adherence to the policies and procedures noted herein. Deviation from these policies and procedures may only be made with written permission from the Director of Admissions, Program Director, or Provost. Requests for exceptions to policies and procedures must be made in writing to the Office of Admissions.

APU offers rolling admissions wherein applicants may apply for and gain admission to the University for any term prior to the late application deadline.

Declaring a Major

Applicants at the undergraduate level may choose to select a major or proceed as “undecided” at the time of application. Those who gain admission as “undecided” will be required to declare a major before completing 60 credits. Undergraduate students may change majors at any time prior to graduation and to any other undergraduate program of the same level or of a lower level regardless of degree type (BS to BA, BA to BS, BA/BS to AA). Students who change their major after admission will be subject to the graduation requirements noted for the new program of choice in the catalog active at the time the change of major is granted. Change of major from the associate’s level to the bachelor’s level is not permitted. Students who wish to continue from an associate’s program to a bachelor’s program must apply for admission to the bachelor’s program. Students seeking dual degrees must apply for and gain admission to both programs of study. Those seeking a double major must work directly with the Office of the Registrar following admission and/or prior to graduation.

Applicants at the graduate level must indicate program of interest at the time of application. Graduate students are not able to change majors, but instead must apply for admission to any degree program for which they wish to be considered. Pursuit of dual degrees at the graduate level is discouraged.

Admission Categories

Full Admission
Full admission status is granted to students who have completed an application per the guidelines set for the degree of interest and, therefore, gained admission to a program by meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements noted in this catalog. Financial assistance (scholarships, grants, loans, etc.) may be disbursed to students who have been fully admitted to a degree seeking program, are enrolled in, and attending courses at APU.

Provisional Admission (Undergraduate)
Provisional Admission status may be granted to any applicant who has demonstrated admissibility, but lacks only one final official document needed to complete the application process (i.e. final official transcript). Students granted provisional admission may register for and attend classes, but financial assistance may not be disbursed until full admission is granted. Applicants who receive provisional admission must complete the application process by the first census date during the term for which they have applied. Those applicants who have registered for classes and and have not submitted all application materials prior to the first census date during the term for which they applied will be prevented from further registration until full admission is granted. Applicants who do not register or complete the application process will have their application withdrawn after the final census date during the term for which they have applied. Students with a provisional admission status are not eligible to receive financial aid.

Provisional Admission (Graduate)
Provisional Admission status may be granted to applicants who have submitted all but one to two final documents, but have otherwise provided enough evidence to support a temporary admissions decision in the affirmative. This status should be granted only to those applicants who may reasonably expect to satisfy the outstanding provision(s) within the course of the first semester of study. This status will be monitored by the Office of Admissions. Those with a provisional admission status who have registered for classes and have not submitted all application materials prior to the census date during the term for which they applied, will be prevented from further registration until full admission is granted. Applicants who do not register or complete the application process will have their application withdrawn after the final census date during the term for which they have applied. Failure to meet these requirements may ultimately result in a denial of admission. Students with a provisional admission status are not eligible to receive financial aid.

Probationary Admission (Undergraduate & Graduate)
Probationary admission status is assigned to those students who do not fully meet minimum admissions requirements for a given degree or program, but who may otherwise satisfy noted deficiencies through APU coursework to be carried out as part of a degree program and during the first year of study. Determination for ability to satisfy deficiencies is made by the Director of Admissions at the undergraduate level, and by the Program Director at the graduate level. This process may require submission of an Admissions Appeal form. Grades will be assessed at the end of the first semester to determine continued enrollment in the subsequent semester, for students with probationary admission status. Continued enrollment will be determined at the end of each semester. Under the probationary admission status students have one year or less to satisfy academic requirements needed to gain full admission. Students with probationary admission status are eligible to receive federal financial aid and other scholarships.

Wait-Listed status is assigned to those applicants who meet academic standards of the University, but due to circumstances such as capacity and timeliness of application submission, need to be placed on a wait list for possible consideration at a later date. Such an assignment will be determined as soon as possible and the applicant will be notified in writing of any changes to status.

Denial of Admission
Applicants may be denied admission if application materials submitted do not meet the minimum standards as outlined in this catalog. At the Undergraduate level, students who are denied admission may submit an official Admissions Appeal form to the Director of Admissions. Upon review of the appeal, a decision may be made by the Director of Admissions, in consultation with the Institute Director and/or Provost. The applicant will be notified of the decision in writing as soon as possible. At the Graduate level, students who are denied admission may consult with the Program Director regarding the Graduate admission appeal process.

Deferred Admissions

Fully-admitted, degree-seeking students may defer their start date for a period of up to one year without becoming subject to any possible changes in admission requirements to the program for which they have applied. This request must be made in writing and submitted to the Office of Admissions prior to the beginning of the term for which the student has been admitted. The one-year period begins with the entry term on the original application for admission. Students who defer admission will forfeit any and all financial aid, scholarships, or grants offered as part of the original application. Applicants who do not submit a request for deferral in writing prior to the withdrawal of their application, but then wish to enroll at a later date, must re-apply for admission.

Undergraduate Admissions
(Campus Undergraduate Programs & Professional Studies Programs)

Alaska Pacific University strives to maintain small class sizes while at the same time ensuring student success through a careful review of application materials and credentials. Some programs recommend that applicants have a strong background in math, the sciences, and/or writing and consideration thereof may factor into an admissions decision. For specific program requirements, please see the section of this catalog pertaining to the degree of interest.

Undergraduate studies at APU are subdivided into two categories: Campus Undergraduate Programs (CUP) and Professional Studies (PS). CUP includes the following programs: Creative & Professional Writing, Counseling Psychology, Liberal Studies, Marine and Environmental Sciences, Sustainability Studies, Outdoor Studies. PS includes Alaska Native Governance, Business Administration, Business Administration and Management, Community Health, and RN to BSN. For tuition rate information, see the “Tuition and Payment Information” section of this catalog.

Applications for admission may be submitted at any time prior to the published deadline for any future term. A $25 application fee is required for all applications submitted ahead of the priority deadline. Applications submitted after the priority deadline will be assessed a $50 application fee. Application fee waivers may be submitted to the Office of Admissions for approval by the Director of Admissions. No applications will be accepted after the final deadline.

Admission Application Deadlines

To satisfy the deadlines below, an application for admission must be received by the Office of Admissions no later than the close of business on the date specified. Additional materials, such as official transcripts, may be submitted anytime prior to the last census date of the semester in which they applied for admission. An application may not be considered complete until all required materials have been received. Applicants who are currently engaged in high school or post-secondary coursework at another institution may submit official “in-progress” transcripts to be considered for provisional admission at any time prior to the start of the semester to which they have applied. A final transcript showing grades for all courses and dates of graduation (where appropriate) will be required before full admission may be granted. Incomplete applications will be withdrawn after the last census date of the semester in which they applied for admission. 

Students who have enrolled for courses but who have yet to complete their application prior to start of the semester for which they have enrolled will be subject to registration and financial aid holds. APU will not automatically withdraw an application for a student who displays active course registration at the late admissions deadline.

Fall Semester

          Priority Deadline: May 1

          Late Deadline: August 1

Spring Semester

          Priority Deadline: November 1

          Late Deadline: December 1

Summer Semester

          Late Deadline: May 1 (no late fees assessed for Summer applications)

Admission Requirements & Standards for First Year Students

New students with no previous college experience or transfer students who have earned fewer than 30 semester credits (45 quarter credits) from a regionally or nationally accredited institution are classified as first-year students.


  1. Undergraduate application for admission
  2. Official final high school transcript (must show date of graduation) or official GED score report
    1. Transcripts/score reports are considered official when received in an envelope that was sealed by the credit-awarding institution and arrive at APU unopened. Electronic transcripts are also accepted when sent directly to APU from the credit-awarding institution via a secured electronic transcript service. All official electronic documents must be sent to admissions@alaskapacific.edu.
  3. Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended
    1. This requirement only applies to freshman transfers and/or students who earned college credit at another institution while in high school
  4. Supplemental documents, if required by specific program of interest. See “Admissions” section under each individual program in this catalog for further details.
  5. Optional Documents: The submission of standardized test scores such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) is optional. If an applicant chooses to submit either the SAT or ACT results, official score reports must be sent to the APU Office of Admissions at admissions@alaskapacific.edu.


  1. A cumulative high school grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher based on a 4.0 unweighted scale

Applicants who do not meet the published admissions standards may request an Admissions Appeal Form from the Office of Admissions following or in anticipation of a denial of admission.Upon review of the appeal, a decision may be made by the Director of Admissions in consultation with the Institute Director of the Program Area and/or Provost. The applicant will be notified in writing once a decision has been made.

Admission Requirements & Standards for Transfer Students

New students who have earned 30 or more semester credits (45 or more quarter credits) from a regionally or nationally accredited institution are classified as transfer students. Transfer credit evaluations are conducted by the Office of the Registrar following completion of the admission process. Only courses wherein the applicant earned a letter grade of “C” or better may be transferred (a grade of “C-” or lower will not be considered for transfer credit).


  1. Undergraduate application for admission
  2. Final official transcripts from all institutions attended
    1. Transcripts are considered official when received in an envelope that was sealed by the credit-awarding institution and arrive at APU unopened. Electronic transcripts are also accepted when sent directly to APU from the credit-awarding institution via a secured electronic transcript service. All official electronic documents must be sent to admissions@alaskapacific.edu.
  3. Supplemental documents, if required by specific program of interest. See “Admissions” section under each individual program in this catalog for further details.


  1. A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher based on a 4.0 scale

*Applicants for the Accelerated Bachelor of Business Administration and Management/Master of Business Administration program must have earned 72 semester credit hours and a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA before applying for admission.

Applicants who do not meet the published admissions standards may request an Admissions Appeal Form from the Office of Admissions. Upon review of the appeal, a decision may be made by the Director of Admissions in consultation with the Institute Director of the Program Area and/or Provost. The applicant will be notified in writing once a decision has been made regarding the appeal.

Early Honors Program

The Early Honors Program (EHP) at APU is a full-time, dual-credit program for high school seniors seeking to get a head start on college. EHP students engage in actual college-level coursework, have the option to live on campus, and if successful, will graduate high school as college sophomores. Applicants admitted to the EHP may also be granted full admission to the APU undergraduate program of their choice upon the successful completion of the EHP*.

*Requires that student meet regular undergraduate admission requirements following the completion of the EHP and the submission of any necessary Admissions materials (i.e. application, final transcripts.). An Admissions Counselor will help the student navigate the continuing enrollment process.

Admission Application Deadlines

To satisfy the deadlines below, an application for admission must be received by the Office of Admissions no later than the close of business on the date specified. Additional materials, such as official transcripts, may be submitted anytime thereafter. An application may not be considered complete until all required materials have been received. A final official transcript showing grades for all courses and dates of graduation (where appropriate) will be required before full admission may be granted. A $25 application fee is required for all applications submitted ahead of the priority deadline. Applications submitted after the priority deadline will be assessed a $50 application fee. Application fee waivers may be requested by contacting the Director of Admissions.

Early Honors students must be fully admitted before registering for courses. APU will not automatically withdraw an application for a student who displays active course registration at the late admissions deadline.

Fall Semester

          Priority Deadline: May 1

          Late Deadline: August 1

Spring Semester

          Priority Deadline: November 1

          Late Deadline: December 1

Summer Semester

          No applications are accepted for summer admission for the EHP.

Admissions Requirements & Standards for Early Honors Students


  1. Early Honors Program application for admission
  2. A personal essay or writing sample
  3. Official “in-progress” high school transcript
    1. Transcripts are considered official when received in an envelope that was sealed by the credit-awarding institution and arrive at APU unopened. Electronic transcripts are also accepted when sent directly to APU from the credit-awarding institution via a secured electronic transcript service. All official electronic documents must be sent to admissions@alaskapacific.edu.


  1. A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on an unweighted 4.0 scale.
  2. Applicants must be eligible for placement into Intermediate Algebra or beyond as determined by completion of the APU Placement Exam.

Applicants who complete their application and meet these standards may be invited for an admissions interview. After successful completion of the interview phase, an admission decision will be issued in writing.

Admission Requirements & Standards for Secondary Student/Concurrent Enrollment

High school students may enroll for credit-based courses at Alaska Pacific University by completing a non-degree seeking application for admission (see section below) and submitting the Secondary Student Concurrent Enrollment form. Both the application and the SSCE form must be submitted and processed before classes begin each academic year during which the student wishes to be concurrently enrolled at APU. APU is not academically responsible for secondary students who enroll under this method and cannot guarantee coursework completed at APU will satisfy secondary school requirements for attendance or graduation. A $25 application fee is required for all applications submitted ahead of the priority deadline. Applications submitted after the priority deadline will be assessed a $50 application fee. Application fee waivers may be requested by contacting the Director of Admissions in writing. Secondary Students admitted for Concurrent Enrollment are not eligible to receive federal financial aid.

International Student Admissions

For admissions purposes, an applicant will be considered and processed as an International student if they intend to enter the US, or transfer from another institution therein, on an F-1 visa for the sole purpose of academic study at Alaska Pacific University.

Applications for admission may be submitted at any time prior to the published deadline for any future term. A $25 application fee is required for all applications submitted ahead of the priority deadline. Applications submitted after the priority deadline will be assessed a $50 application fee. Application fee waivers may be requested by contacting the Director of Admissions in writing. No applications will be accepted after the late deadline.

Admission Application Deadlines

To meet the deadlines below, an application for admission must be received by the Office of Admissions no later than the close of business on the date specified. Additional materials, such as official transcripts and test scores, may be submitted anytime thereafter, though an application may not be considered complete until all required materials have been received. APU cannot offer provisional or early admission to International students.

Fall Semester

          Priority Deadline: May 1

Spring Semester

          Priority Deadline: November 1

Summer Semester

          No applications are accepted for summer admission for International students.

Admission Requirements & Standards for International Students (Undergraduate or Graduate)


  1. Undergraduate or Graduate application for admission as appropriate for degree preference and eligibility
  2. Supplemental Application for International Students
    1. This form requires submission of financial supporting documents and information pertaining to immigration status as required by the US Department of State and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Completion of this form requires signature confirmation through a notary or other government official in the applicant’s home country prior to arriving in the US. This form will be sent to the email address provided on the original application.
  3. Original/Official transcripts from all institutions attended within or outside of the US
    1. Documents must be received at APU in sealed envelopes directly from the issuing institution or the official government entity responsible for the administration of such records (i.e. Department of Education, Ministry of Education, etc.)
  4. Foreign Credentials Evaluation and Translation
    1. All transcripts obtained from institutions outside the US must be evaluated by a third-party agency and an official evaluation report must be sent to APU directly from said agency. Alaska Pacific University highly recommends World Education Services (www.wes.org). Applicants who enlist WES for this service may have the requirement for original/official transcripts waived.
    2. If the original/official transcripts are not available in English from the government or issuing institution, an official, notarized translation is required. This service may be obtained from third-party evaluation agencies such as WES for an additional fee. APU will not translate foreign-language documents.
  5. Test Scores
    1. All applicants must submit official test scores to demonstrate their English language proficiency:
      1.  Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) that meet the following minimum requirements: 550 on the paper-based exam; 213 on the computer-based exam; 79 on the Internet-based exam. APU’s reporting code is 4201
      2. International English Language Test System (IELTS) academic band score of 6.5
    2. Citizens of countries wherein English is an official language may be exempt from this requirement at the discretion of the Director of Admissions.
  6. Additional documents as required by degree program (graduate programs only). Contact an Admissions Counselor for details.

Graduate Admissions

While applications are managed and processed by the Office of Admissions, the final admission decisions for each graduate program at APU are made at the discretion of each graduate Program Director. For this purpose, the Office of Admissions will collect all necessary materials before forwarding an applicant file to the Program Director for review. Only those completed applications that meet or exceed published minimum criteria for admission will be forwarded to the Program Director for consideration. The applicant will be notified of the final admission decision in writing by the Office of Admissions.

Applications for admission may be submitted at any time prior to the published deadline for any future term. A $25 application fee is required for all applications submitted ahead of the priority deadline. Applications submitted after the priority deadline will be assessed a $50 application fee. Application fee waivers may be requested by contacting the Director of Admissions. No applications will be accepted after the late deadline.

Admissions Application Deadlines

All materials must be submitted to the Office of Admissions by the published deadline in order for an applicant to be considered for admission. Those applications submitted ahead of the priority application deadline will be given primary consideration. Applications submitted after the priority application deadline, but before the late deadline, will be considered at the discretion of the Program Director as space allows. Any exceptions to this policy must be granted by the Office of Admissions and the appropriate Program Director.

Fall Semester

          Priority Deadline: May 1

          Late Deadline: August 1

          Program-Specific Deadline: February 15
                   MS in Counseling Psychology and PsyD programs start once a year in the Fall semester. The online application and all supplemental documents for MSCP and/or PsyD must be received by the Office of Admissions by the      close of business on February 15. No applications will be accepted after Ferbuary 15.
                   MS in Environmental Science priority application deadline is February 15. MSES applications and supplemental documents will be accepted and reviewed until the August 1 deadline.

Spring Semester

          Priority Deadline: November 1

          Late Deadline: December 1

Summer Semester

          Late Deadline: May 1 (no late fees assessed for Summer applications)


Admission Requirements & Standards for Graduate Students


  1. Graduate application for admission
  2. Official final transcript(s) from all institutions attended. Transcript(s) must display proof of bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.
    1. Transcripts are considered official when received in an envelope that was sealed by the credit-awarding institution and arrive at APU unopened. Electronic transcripts are also accepted when sent directly to APU from the credit-awarding institution via a secured electronic transcript service. All official electronic documents must be sent to admissions@alaskapacific.edu.
  3. Supplemental documents as required by specific program of interest
    1. See “Admissions” section under each individual program in this catalog for further details.


  1. A minimum undergraduate cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0
  2. Test scores as required by program of interest
    1. See “Admissions” section under each individual program in this catalog for further details.

Applicants who do not meet the standard admissions requirements for any given degree program, and who are subsequently denied admission, may complete an Admissions Appeal Form. This form may be obtained from the Office of Admissions. Completed appeals forms must be sent to the Office of Admissions who will then forward to the appropriate Program Director for review. Once a decision has been made, the applicant will be notified in writing.

Non-Degree Seeking Admissions

Those wishing to enroll in a course at APU, but do not wish to pursue a degree, may do so by completing an application for Non-Degree Seeking admission. Students that attend as non-degree seeking are not eligible for scholarships or federal aid and will be charged per credit hour at the Professional Studies Program tuition rate (plus all applicable lab fees) for undergraduate-level courses and at the Graduate Studies rate for graduate-level courses. Non-degree seeking students are limited to a lifetime maximum of 16 undergraduate credits or nine graduate credits. Registration beyond this limit will require admission to a degree program or an exception to policy. Students wishing to gain an exception to this policy may contact the Director of Admissions. Non-Degree Seeking students are not eligible for financial aid.

Admission Application Deadlines

Applications for non-degree seeking admission may be submitted at any time. Students may register for courses only after the admission process has been completed.

  1. Admission Requirements & Standards for Non-Degree Seeking Students


  1. Non-degree seeking application for admission
    1. Available for both undergraduate and graduate courses
  2. $25 non-refundable application fee
  3. Secondary Student Concurrent Enrollment Form*

*Only required for NDS applicants who are or will be concurrently enrolled in high school at the time classes begin at APU. This form must be submitted each academic year during which the secondary student wishes to be concurrently enrolled at APU.

Non-degree seeking students must maintain continual enrollment from semester-to-semester. After one semester without enrollment activity, admission will be withdrawn and the student will need to re-apply to regain access to registration. Applicants must meet pre-requisite requirements prior to course registration for courses that have listed pre-requisites. Satisfaction of pre-requisites may be made at the discretion of the faculty instructor, Institute Director, or Provost.